Version history for Syncrify

Enhanced branding - client side

Several enhancements were made in v3.3 related to client-side branding. Now you can:
  • Specify a folder and program group name where Syncrify client will get installed on the machine.
  • Ability to automatically rebuild a custom client when server is upgraded to a new version
  • Decide if you want to provide Syncrify client (service-based), Integrated client, or both to your end-users.
  • Remembers the values you specified previously saving you some time

Symbolic links and Junction Points

Starting v3.3, Syncrify can intelligently detect junction points on Windows and symbolic links on Linux/Unix/Mac and skips them during backup. These files can create an infinite loop when creating a folder tree structure.

Forcefully terminating a backup job

  • Log in admin to Syncrify server web interface
  • Click the binocular icon for the desired job
  • Click the link to Terminate a job

This page lists all public releases of Syncrify. It does not list every nightly build and therefore, you will see gaps in the build numbers.


The latest version of Syncrify Server does not work on Windows XP, 2000 or 2008 older than R2. Do not upgrade Syncrify Server if you're using an older operating system.

Use build 1150 or lower on older clients.

The latest version of Syncrify requires JDK 1.8 or above.

Version 5.9

Build 1159: June 19, 2024
  • Minor updates to reports and performance when using the accelerated protocol.
Build 1158: May 06, 2024
  • Introducing the accelerated protocol that offers performance benefits. Details...
  • Improved file explorer when trying to restore files using the browser.
  • User's quota value are displayed in the file explorer.
  • Ability to filter data in daily and user group reports.
  • Bug Fix: Unable to use user groups when using MS SQL Server as the RDBMS.

Version 5.8

Build 1150: Sept 25, 2023
  • Ability to skip newer files. Details...
  • Ability to display a disk history for every user. Click Manage Users and then the link in the Disk used/Quota column to bring up a history.
  • The Job History graph on the home page now shows past 24 hours instead of 5, giving administrators a better picture of their resource utilization.
  • Tip and Tricks are displayed
  • Ability to display detailed about jobs that ran for a single day in Syncrify Client. This is done by clicking the date number in Job History page.
  • Ability to show an introduction video when Syncrify Client is first used. When branding, companies can replace this with their own video.
  • Ability to synchronize configuration manually with a slave machine when DR feature is used.

Version 5.7

Build 1145: May 15, 2023
  • Ability to decommission clients when a user account is removed.
  • Registration screen display clients in red that have not connected to this server for more than six months.
  • Paths for top-level folders are displayed on the server's end.
  • Entries are sorted by user id in the registration screen.
  • Ability to display log files from the web interface.
  • Bug Fix: Folder restoration does not work for folders when number of days to go back is specified. Applies to the web interface client.
  • Bug Fix: MD5 signatures are computed even for folders that are ignore, increasing unnecessary IO.

Version 5.6

Build 1140: January 25, 2023
  • Watchdog Service is introduced, allowing to free monitoring for your Syncrify Server. Details...
  • Ability to exclude hidden files using Selection Filters.
  • Ability to display last connection date and IP address is client registration screen.
  • Ability to specify the number of days to retain report files, which can save some disk space on the server. Field is located under Advanced Configuration
  • Embedded web server has been updated to v9.
  • Enhancements made in client branding. It now allow hiding SysInfo as well as custom help URL.
  • Syncrify Client is now available in Turkish.
  • Security Fix: Fixes the Path-relative style sheet vulnerability in the web interface.
  • Bug Fix: Backup history calendar is not drawn correctly.

Version 5.5

Build 1131: October 11, 2022
  • Integration with Active Directory/LDAP server. Details...
  • Enhanced Remote Control - Ability to modify scheduling and other options from the server's web interface. Details...
  • Ability to modify user's repository path from the server. To modify, click the icon under User Management
  • Testing integration with SMTP server is improved.
  • Alert is generated if one or more Syncrify Clients do not upgrade automatically.
  • Alert is generated if SyncrifyClient.jar is missing on the server's end.
  • Ability to delete every retained files on the server.
  • Bug Fix: RemoteCopy does not set the last modified date after performing a local copy on the server's end.

Version 5.4

Build 1122: August 10, 2022
  • Security Fix - Files affecting CVE-2022-23307 are removed from Syncrify. Although these files were present in the older builds, they were not used. Out of an abundance of caution, this build completely removes them.
  • Ability to send BCC emails after backup. Done by adding in
  • Ability to switch to DR-Slave even when using personal edition
  • Bug Fix: Branded clients are not able to save the value for Server URL when read-only flag is ON.
Build 1118: June 01, 2022
  • Certificate creation for Let's Encrypt works on machine with version 3.0.x of openssl.
  • Bug Fix: Web interface for Syncrify client does not display direction correctly when two-way sync or server-to-client is selected.
  • Bug Fix: Email recipient value is not saved in Syncrify client.
Build 1117: May 17, 2022
  • Completely redesigned web-based interface for Syncrify Client. Details...
  • Two Factor Authentication for the web interface. Details...
  • Ability to display disk usage graphs for users and profiles.
  • Ability to exclude certain folders from Delete Retention. Click here for details.

Version 5.3

Build 1090: January 05, 2022
  • User Groups are added. Details...
  • Security Fix - Files affecting CVE-2019-17571 and CVE-2021-4104 are removed from Syncrify. Although these files were present in the older builds, they were not used. Out of an abundance of caution, this build completely removes them.
  • Improved branding - Icons can be customized when branding Syncrify Client
  • Ability to block user ID, besides IP addresses, when incorrect passwords are specified.
  • Ability to notify user via email when a new account is created.
  • Ability to pause a backup job from telnet interface
  • Ability to specify syncWaitTime in ClientConfig.xml allowing Syncrify to wait copying recently modified files
  • Bug Fix - Bandwidth throttling is not calculated correctly.
  • Bug Fix - Errors are not displayed when sending email reports in HTML and summarized report is enabled.

Version 5.2

Build 1074: July 21, 2021
  • Several new enhancements have been done for the Disaster Recovery feature, including:
    • Ability to see if DR-Slave is running
    • Ability to manually start a DR-Job from the Master's web interface
    • Ability to perform file-diff report between DR Master and Slave.
    • Additional logging for DR
  • Ability for administrators and users to download list of files that were modified during a synchronization job
  • Restarting Syncrify Server is enhanced.
  • Low disk alerts are generated when Syncrify Client runs low on disk in the TEMP folder
  • Syncrify Client is updated to display Synchronize instead of Backup when direction is set to Server-To-Client or Two-way sync.
  • Command line interface has been enhanced, allowing it to communicate with the background service.
  • Ability to upgrade to a new version from Syncrify Server's web interface
  • Bug Fix: A NullPointer error is logged when Syncrify Client is unable to reach the server.
  • Bug Fix: Checkboxes for database name are not selected for SQL Server Plugin when trying to edit settings

Version 5.1

Build 1058: March 29, 2021
  • Bug Fix: Blank preferred URL is not accepted
  • Bug Fix: Trying to submit logs from a Syncrify Client ends up displaying a blank screen
Build 1057: March 23, 2021
  • Enhanced Backup Reports in HTML format with graphs. Details...
  • Performance enhancements when calculating MD5 signatures.
  • Several enhancements are made to the web interface to give a better user experience
  • User's email addresses are displayed in the registration screen.
  • The Remote Client screen display build numbers
  • Enhanced logging during backup on Syncrify Client, which now includes a Job #
  • UPnP has been deprecated for security reasons. An email is sent to the administrator if UPnP is enabled during startup. This feature will be completely removed in future releases.
  • Ability to allow maximum sessions to avoid server overloading.
  • Bug Fix: The Label for Backup button does not get set correctly when direction is Server-to-Client in Syncrify Client GUI.

Version 5.0

Build 1040: October 19, 2020
  • Bug Fix: File-Diff report generates incorrect results when global selection filters are blank
Build 1037: October 14, 2020
  • Enhanced Backup Reports. Details...
  • Ability to use versioning with SimpleCopy
  • Ability to reset RWP from the server's end. Details...
  • FriendlyIP.txt can be added to specify IP addresses that are immune from getting blacklisted. Details...
  • Ability to view and remove blacklisted IP addresses from the web interface. Go to Configuration, select the Security tab and click View Blocked IPs
  • Ability to ignore previously deleted files when restoring from Syncrify Client GUI
  • Logs are updated to reflect the direction of the backup

Version 4.9

Build 1027: June 03, 2020
  • Bug Fix: File corruption in RetentionDB for Remote Copy causes backups to hang
Build 1026: May 12, 2020
  • Ability to search files using the web interface. Details...
  • Wasabi has been added as a cloud provider
  • Improved reporting for Cloud snapshots
  • Several security updates. Thanks to Vladimir TOUTAIN of Certilience for letting us know about it.
  • Bug Fix: Several problems related to XSS attacks were fixed, which were described in CVE-2016-10735, CVE-2018-14040, CVE-2018-14042, CVE-2018-14041, CVE-2019-8331, CVE-2018-20677, CVE-2018-20676.
  • Bug Fix: Pings from Syncrify Client to Server fails if the host name contains a non-English character
  • Bug Fix: Log files are not attached when a request is sent from the web interface.

Version 4.8

Build 1019: January 24, 2020
  • Syncrify Client runs into an error when using JRE 1.7. This build bypasses the feature used in Syncrify that requires 1.8 and therefore, backups will work even with JRE 1.7.
Build 1018: January 20, 2020
  • Ability to detect file renames and copy. Details...
  • Enhanced itools command for console based Syncrify Client.
  • Bug Fix: Unable to connect to AWS for cloud snapshots
  • Bug Fix: Unable to specify ProjectID when connecting to Google Storage
  • Bug Fix: Unable to specify a selection filter to exclude files starting with a DOT

Version 4.7

Build 1010: May 20, 2019
  • Integration with Let's Encrypt, allowing users to create free SSL certificates. Details...
  • Server-side synchronization has been added. Details...
  • Ability for administrator's to login as regular users
  • Command line interface has been enhanced. It now accepts flags to change synchronization direction.
  • Selection filter(s) can be specified via command line

Version 4.6

Build 998: January 07, 2019
  • Shared Projects - Ability to synchronize project files with multiple users. Details...
  • New graph showing concurrent and new jobs
  • Updated graph for memory usage showing history

Version 4.5

Build 977: October 05, 2018
  • Bug Fix: Syncrify Client uses WebSmtp if the server URL specified in the profile is incorrect or server can't be reached.
  • Bug Fix: Configuration is not saved when email subject settings are modified from the web interface.
Build 975: October 02, 2018
  • Ability to send emails through WebSmtp, which is used if primary SMTP server fails to accept email. Click here for details.
  • Ability to backup just one file when using command line interface
  • Command line interface has been uploaded to run in interactive mode. Click here for details.
  • Bug Fix: Selection filter to exclude files starting with ~ does not work
  • Bug Fix: Inactivity report incorrectly display users who only use SyncriBox but not Syncrify Client.

Version 4.4

Build 966: May 07, 2018
  • Bug Fix: Permissions are not setup correctly on the bait file for RWP
  • Bug Fix: A false alarm is generated in RWP when a new folder is added to an existing profile
Build 963: April 18, 2018
  • Ability to take cloud snapshots. Supported targets are Amazon S3, Google Storage and Microsoft Azure. Click here for details.
  • Ransomware Prevention. IMPORTANT Read this page before upgrading to this version.
  • Server-side restore accepts selection filter
  • Bug Fix: Server-side restore occasionally restores incorrect file when versioning is used and user wants to restore a previous version.
  • Bug Fix: Selection filter for with escape characters don't work. For example, $RECYCLE.BIN\ gets ignored.
  • Bug Fix: Files containing brackets characters are not versioned correctly.

Version 4.3

Build 951: January 05, 2018
  • Client Branding is improved to prevent network timeout problems. It has been converted to make asynchronous calls
  • Ability to remove top-level folders from server when they are removed from profile on client's machine. This feature was missing in the new GUI. The functionality now matches with how it used to be in the older client GUI.
  • Ability to send out-bound email on behalf of admin. Click here for details.
  • Syncrify Client Service now works on Linux
  • Bug Fix: Minor problems with CSS has been fixed that was causing issues on the web interface.
Build 949: October 11, 2017
  • Bug Fix: Server side branding occasionally results in a blank screen when trying to save
  • Bug Fix: The graph for disk usage does not display correct values
  • Bug Fix: Web interface is not formatted correctly when viewed on Internet Explorer
Build 948: October 10, 2017
  • Syncrify Server's web interface gets a new facelift. IMPORTANT Click here if you have branded Syncrify.
  • Bug Fix: Selection filter for folders filters partial names
  • Bug Fix: File deletions in SyncriBox are not detected right away

Version 4.2

Build 943: July 13, 2017
Build 942: July 05, 2017
  • A completely redesigned Syncrify Client GUI. Click here for details.
  • Default Folders - ability to specify a default set of folders when Syncrify Client is installed for the first time on a machine.
  • Modify email subject from the server's end
  • Email Aliases - ability to forward backup reports to a different address specified from the server's end

Version 4.1

Build 929: February 23, 2017
  • File-Diff report can be run from the server's side. Generated reports are sent via email to the admin's email address
  • Embedded HTTP server has been upgraded
  • Bug Fix: Missed backup job report does not show every record

Version 4.0

Build 919: November 21, 2016
  • Bug Fix: SQL Server plugin does not backup if the database contains a '$' sign.
  • Bug Fix: SyncriBox creates *.decrypted files if encryption password does not match
  • Bug Fix: Upload notifications are not sent in SyncriBox when no email was sent when creating public link.
Build 915: September 14, 2016
  • Public links for SyncriBox
  • Service-side restore
  • Enhanced Reports - Daily report now includes missing backup jobs
  • Enhanced error reporting when a backup fails
  • Ability to dump thread information to a file, which help in troubleshooting problems.

Version 3.9

Build 893 - June 10, 2016
  • SyncriBox profile gets automatically updated when encryption is used.
  • Bug Fix: Prevents Syncrify from running backup for same profile and user even if more than one client connects from the same IP address
  • Bug Fix: Occasionally, you could see files with extension .encrypted or .decrypted
Build 889 - May 12, 2016
  • Delete retention is improved. Prior to this improvement, Syncrify Server would occasionally spend CPU cycles cleaning up files marked for delete retention.
  • Access log for SyncriBox is separated from other backups. This improve reports for normal backups
  • When downloading multiple files from the web interface ignores files with _synver extensions.
  • Synchronize Timezone option is removed from Syncrify Client. This option is no longer required.
  • Bug fix: Excluding files with similar names does not work in Syncrify Client GUI.
Build 885 - February 20, 2016
  • Bug fix: SyncriBox client does not honor the installation folder name when branding is used.
Build 884 - February 18, 2016

Version 3.8

Build 864 - November 05, 2015
  • Bug fix: French version of Syncrify Client generates incorrect email report
  • Bug fix: Occasionally, Syncrify server generates incorrect email alerts related to space left on the disk.

Build 861 - September 29, 2015
  • Master password - Ability to specify a master password when branding Syncrify Client, preventing users from opening Syncrify Client without a password. This is useful if administrators do not want their users to modify configuration on the client's end. (v3.8)
  • Preferred URL - Ability to specify a preferred URL. When specified, clients will use that URL to backup. This is useful when you switch from HTTP to HTTPS and want clients to connect to the new URL.

Version 3.7

Build 856 - March 19, 2015
  • VSS is automatically disabled when using BareMetal Plugin
  • Security Fix: CSRF attacks are prevented. More info...
  • Bug Fix: On some Linux servers, files larger than 2.4 GB are not renamed if the TEMP folder and the Repository folder are on different volumes
Build 850 - February 18, 2015
  • Security Fix: A vulnerability related to XSS (Cross-site scripting) attacks if fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Emails are sent continuously when a user runs out of his/her allocated backup quota
Build 844 - February 04, 2015
  • Bare Metal Backup (Windows Only)
  • Enhanced Pre/Post plugins that display live status
  • Bug fix: The last backup time gets updated even if backup fails completely
  • Bug fix: Pre/Post plugin is not invoked when backup direction is Server-to-client.

Version 3.6

Build 834 - October 22, 2014
  • Build 833 disabled SSLv3, which resulted in SSL Handshake errors in some older clients. Most of the affected clients are either running on Windows XP or older versions of Linux. This build adds support for SSLv2Hello, which is used by some older clients during SSL communication. Note that SSLv3 is still disabled. Click here if you need to enable SSLv3 for any reason.

Build 833 - October 21, 2014
  • Security fix: Disables SSLv3, which mitigates POODLE attacks. This is only applicable if you are using HTTPS
  • Bug fix: Syncrify client ignores a folder during backup when all of the following conditions are met:
    1. A root drive is being backed up
    2. VSS is used, AND
    3. A selection filter is specified
  • Enhancement: Report by Date and Remote Clients screen use user's full name when login is not a valid email address.
  • Clients are forced to use a single thread when server is under heavy load, improving the over all scalability of the server.
Build 828 - September 09, 2014
  • Syncrify Client can report permission problems through its GUI. More Info
  • Disk test is added in Syncrify server to check if the I/O to the disk is fast enough. More Info
  • Fix: Email address can now contain a + sign
  • When login ID is not an email, full name is displayed in the User Management screen.
Build 823 - July 18, 2014
  • Security Fix: A security vulnerability is discovered allowing existing users in Syncrify to access and modify unauthorized files on server. We sincerely thank Michael Molho of Certilience for letting us know about this and working with us to solve the issue.
  • Syncrify Client is now available for Simplified Chinese - China
  • Syncrify Client is now available for Traditional Chinese - Taiwan
Build 814 - July 02, 2014
  • Bug fix: Incorrect alerts are generated when two consecutive dots are found in a file name
Build 813 - June 26, 2014
  • Bug fix: Emails containing backup reports are not being sent in certain cases
Build 812 - June. 19, 2014
  • Syncrify client is now available in Norwegian
  • Italian version of Syncrify client has been updated
  • Ability to specify an email for reports when login ID is not an email address. Click here to see the priority rules for email recipients.
  • Bug fix: In certain cases a tricky path sent from a client is not caught
Build 809 - May. 06, 2014
  • Profile is not locked when running backup on one particular folder
  • Ability to increase timeout for directory listing. This is useful when you have thousands of small files in a folder
  • Bug fix: Error is not reported when server takes a long time to examine a folder and the client times out
Build 800 - Mar. 12, 2014
  • UPnP Support
  • Plugin for MS-Exchange 2010 and above
  • New report - upcoming and missing records
  • Troubleshooting wizard - help figure out connection problems
  • Event logs are created to Windows Event Viewer when backup starts and finishes (Windows only)
  • Ability to Explore folder on client machine by selecting a folder and selecting Explore from pop-up menu
  • Client cache can be stored in a folder other than Data Folder on client machine
  • Next run time for a job is added to access.log file
  • Bug fix: A deleted folder occasionally reappears when using Two-way sync
  • Bug fix: Server-side file size is incorrectly displayed in file tips

Version 3.5

Build 785 - Jan. 02, 2014
  • Bug Fix: Unwanted files are excluded when a similar path exists in the excluded list
  • Bug Fix: Files are not restored properly when days to go back is set to 0
  • Ability to extend stale time for a job. The default behavior is to consider a job stale after 23 hours.
Build 781 - Oct. 21, 2013
  • Bug Fix: The restore button is disabled even when direction is Client-to-Server
  • Small translation fixes for languages other than English
  • A new field is added in synusers table that holds disk usage for a user. This only applies if you use an RDBMS for user managment.
  • File deletion is enhanced when two-way sync is used. Click here for details.
Build 778 - Oct. 10, 2013
  • Status viewer
  • Server-side cache
  • File tips
  • Service-based client for Mac OS X
  • Cache is ignored when backup is run on a selected folder
  • The Backup button reads Synchronize when direction is either Two-way sync or Server-to-client.
  • The Restore button is disabled when direction is either Two-way sync or Server-to-client. Restore options from the pop-up menu are still accessible.
  • File ownership during restore is inherited from the owner of the profile.

Version 3.4

Build 749 - July. 25, 2013
  • Significant performance enhancement during block-matching when large number of non-matching blocks are encountered.
  • Ability to forcefully terminate backup jobs after a specified timeout period. Click here for details.
Build 741 - July. 10, 2013
  • BUG Fix: Empty folders are created on the server when backup direction is Server-to-client and a new folder is created on the client machine.
  • Profiles can be made read-only on the server. Click here for details.
  • Files are automatically decrypted when a user downloads an encrypted file through the web interface.
Build 735 - Apr. 10, 2013
  • BUG Fix: An error appears in the log when a file content match on both server and client but last modified file is different.
Build 725 - Feb. 10, 2013
  • Disaster recovery has been added to provide high availability
  • Older versions of every file can be restored for a desired folders by providing the number of days to go back.
  • Deleting files on the client machine once backup is successfully completed.
  • Plugins for SQL Server and MySQL have been enhanced to restore older versions of the database.

Version 3.3

Build 704 - Nov. 15, 2012
  • An email is sent to the administrator when a new version is available.
  • Bug fix: Daily reports via emails are not sent when Syncrify is running on Linux
Build 700 - Nov. 06, 2012
  • Bug fix: Folder cache on the client gets corrupted if a disk I/O error occurs on the server.
Build 696 - Oct. 28, 2012
  • Bug fix: File on the server is removed when direction is server to client and delete files is checked
  • New version is checked automatically and administrators are notified under the Quick Links section
  • Pre-post scripts plugin is modified to run Windows Power Shell, allowing MS Exchange backups to run.
Build 693 - Oct. 17, 2012
  • Restoring files is enhanced
  • Bug fix: Under certain conditions, files are not deleted when two-way sync is enabled
  • Bug fix: Global selection filter does not work
Build 688 - Sept 26, 2012
Build 682 - Sept 13, 2012
  • Service based client
  • Ability to submit client logs from server
  • Ability to delete files when direction is Two-way sync
  • Auto update for clients
  • Auto backup for config folder on clients and server
  • Ability to run backups from Syncrify server
  • Enhanced threading model
  • Mobile access - supports iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry
  • Enhanced client-side branding
  • Junction points and symbolic links are detected

Version 3.2

Build 649 - July 26, 2012
  • Changes made to handle temporary files better.
Build 638 - July 16, 2012
  • Folder cache is used even when encryption is enabled.
  • Bug fix: Backup files get corrupted on Windows when following three conditions are met:
    • Encryption is used, AND
    • VSS is not enabled, AND
    • A file is partially locked by another process (One example is a .PST file)
  • Bug Fix: Restore for MySQL fails when auto-restore is enabled.
Build 633 - July 07, 2012
  • Bug fix: Client back log was not being sent to the server after restoring files
Build 630 - May 29, 2012
  • A minor bug related to Syncrify Personal edition is fixed. This does not affect Syncrify Professional or ISP
Build 629 - May 25, 2012
  • Plugins
  • Ability to specify TEMP folder in Syncrify client
  • Ability to generate backup log via email when running backups manually
  • Summarized backup reports
  • Ability to disable Server-to-Client direction to prevent inadvertent restores

Version 3.1

Build 614 - March 23, 2012
  • Backup history report via email
  • Inactivity report - display users who did not run a backup

Version 3.0

Build 596 - Feb 23, 2012
  • Disk quota is displayed in status bar of Syncrify client
  • Users can specify more than one URL for server. More info...
  • Administrators can force clients to use selection filters. More info...
  • Multiple client can restore simultanesouly when backup direction is set to Server to Client
Build 591 - Feb 01, 2012
  • When creating new profile, users can select existing profiles from the server if they want to restore data
  • Default profile can now be deleted
  • Default chunking size is changed from 8GB to 1TB
  • Bug Fix: File diff report does not use selection filter
Build 580 - Nov 18, 2011
  • Backup directions - client to server, server to client and two-way sync
  • Single folder backup - increases scalability and performance of backup task when millions of files are in a job.
  • Backup reports display client IP and build number
  • Multiple threads can handle files with a folder when running backup
  • Report by date
  • Additional admin accounts
  • Ability to activate/deactivate users without deleting
  • Ability to save backup log to server in CSV format
  • Local folder cache
  • Repository Exceptions are enhanced
  • Ability to upgrade clients, rather than reinstalling the entire client binary again.
  • Ability to generate email only upon error.
  • Ability to monitor a backup from a remote machine

Version 2.6

Build 522 - Aug 01, 2011
  • Bug fix: Some screens do not display correctly in French and Italian versions of Syncrify client.
  • Ability to import an existing SSL certificate from IIS server
Build 517 - July 11, 2011
  • Bug fix: In rare occasions Syncrify client hang when backing up large files.
Build 510 - July 07, 2011

Version 2.5

Build 473- May. 19, 2011
  • Multi-lingual version for Syncrify client, which is now available in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Version 2.4

Build 463- Mar. 16, 2011
  • Bug fix: Two-way sync does not work if a 0 length file is encountered on the server.
  • Bug fix: Absolute file name is not displayed in the report when restoring a file.
  • Logs on the client machine are rolled back after they reach 5 MB
Build 459- Feb. 12, 2011
  • File-diff report
  • New licensing model introduced
  • Branding for client and server

Version 2.3

Build 444 - Jan. 10, 2011
  • Scheduler for Mac OS X is added
Build 443- Dec. 14, 2010
  • Bandwidth throttling has been added.
  • Ability to restore files to a different folder
  • Ability to specify an HTTP proxy server
  • Temporary files are created in the %TEMP% folder rather than the original location of the source file.

Version 2.2

Build 432- Oct. 22, 2010
  • Bug fix - Two-way sync is unable to pull profile on when restoring.
  • Enhanced status messages are displayed in Syncrify client when running a backup with many files.
Build 429- Oct. 15, 2010
  • Two-way sync added.

Version 2.1

Build 422- Sept. 28, 2010
  • Bug fix: Syncrify client is unable to copy files when a Mac OS machine saves files to a Windows NTFS partition and that file name contains a trailing space character.
Build 420- Sept. 17, 2010
  • Color coded file names in Syncrify client
  • Bug fix: Several security related bugs were fixed.

Version 2.0

Build 415- Sept. 10, 2010
  • Ability to change data folder in SyncrifyClient
Build 413- August 31, 2010
  • Versioning
  • Disk quotas
  • Additional reporting
  • Initialize seeding

Version 1.4

Build 393 - August 02, 2010
  • Invalid file names are handled correctly
Build 379 - July 14, 2010
  • File encryption is now supported
  • Selection filter for files and folder is added

Version 1.3

Build 375 - June 29, 2010
  • Server sends appropriate error messages if it runs out of disk space
Build 372- June 28, 2010
  • Bug Fix: The Abort button does not abort a backup job.
Build 369- June 12, 2010
  • Syncrify use an embedded RDBMS to speed up processing on the server
  • Several data structures are removed from in-memory objects to temporary files on both client and server to save memory usage.
Build 352- May 30, 2010
  • Bug Fix: File names with foreign characters are getting corrupted.


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