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Document ID: 4271
Subject: Template user in SynaMan
Creation date: 6/29/15 1:09 PM
Last modified on: 11/8/18 11:05 AM

Template User

Assume you want to create 200 users in SynaMan and want to automatically associate shared folders with these new users. A Template User does exactly that. New users are automatically assigned folders that are associated with Template user.

Steps to create a template user

  • Login as admin into the web interface
  • Create a new user. The value for Email/login must be template_user
  • Assign a password and create a user
  • Assign a set of folders to this user.
  • From now on, any new user that is created in SynaMan will inherit the list of shared folders from this template user.


No one will be allowed to login using this template user. SynaMan will modify the password of this account to an arbitrary value and therefore, attempting to login using this user will always result in an error. This is done for security reasons.

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