Syncrify Version 5.6 (Beta)

Version 5.6 of Syncrify is now available as a beta release. This version will have the following new features:

New Feature:

Watchdog Service

A free service that watches your Syncrify Server, with the following features:

  • Generates emails if your Syncrify service does not respond.
  • Email alerts can be sent to mobile devices.
  • Either boundary or continuous alerts.

Click here for more information about this feature.

Other features

  • Ability to exclude hidden or readonly files using a selection filter.
  • Bug fixes related to Job History in Syncrify Client.


  • You must have a valid support contract, if you're using the Professional Edition of Syncrify
  • You are using Syncrify Personal
  • Contact our support department via email if you're using a Branded Client to obtain a branded version.

Downloading version 5.6

Click here to download this build and follow these instructions to apply the patch.

This beta version is being updated almost on weekly basis. The latest build number is 1115 and was last updated on May 12, 2022.


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