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Document ID: 3632
Subject: Using telnet to troubleshoot
Creation date: 6/2/14 5:12 PM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 12:58 PM

Using Telnet with Syncrify

Both the Syncrify server and client have an embedded text-based TCP status server that can be used to look inside the running processes. These status servers provide some useful information about the runtime environment within Syncrify.


In order to connect to these server, you must use a text-based TCP/IP client. One good example is a telnet client. Refer to these instructions if you do not have a Telnet Client on your machine.

Syncrify Server

The status server in Syncrify Server listens on port 52110 and can be run using the following command:
telnet localhost 52110
This status server allows the following functions:
  • Ability to restart Syncrify server (Must connect from localhost)
  • Ability to see the job status
  • Ability to check the memory usage, server's uptime and maximum HTTP sessions.
  • Ability to remove stale jobs from server's memory
  • Ability to clear invalid logic attempts. To do this, enter clh at the prompt. CLH stands for Clear Login History.

Syncrify client

There are two servers on the client side:
  • Inside the Windows Service - listens on port 51110
  • Inside the Syncrify client - listens on port 53110 and allows monitoring a running job

Windows Service

When using the service-based client, a process continuously runs in the background that is responsible for two things:

  • Trigger a backup job according to the scheduler
  • Continuously ping the Syncrify server (once a minute)

This status server does not allow any modifications. Use the following command to connect to this server.

telnet localhost 51110

Running Jobs

Ensure Remote Monitoring is enabled before connecting to this server. It allows you to check what Syncrify client is doing at a given time. Additionally, it also provides a mechanism to abort a job that is running in the background.

If more than one jobs are running, the port number goes up by one. For example, if 53110 is already taken, the server will listen on 53111 and so on. Use the following command to connect to this server.
telnet localhost 53110

What If You Do Not Have Telnet Installed

Newer operating systems do not come with a Telnet Client. This is because a Telnet Client typically connects to a Telnet Server, which is considered insecure and replaced by SSH. Telnet Client, by itself, has other uses besides connecting to a Telnet server. In technical terms, a Telnet Client is a straightforward TCP/IP client that can connect to any text-based TCP/IP server, such as HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, POP3, and many others. As a result, it can be used as an excellent tool for troubleshooting and communicating with any TCP/IP server.

Luckily, you have several options:

Option 1 - Enable/Install Telnet

Trust us. Using a Telnet Client for troubleshooting a TCP/IP server (other than Telnet Server) does not pose any security risks. Refer to this page for details.

To enable Telnet Client on Windows, go to Add Remove Windows Features and enable it.

Option 2 - Use Netcat

Netcat is another good simple TCP/IP client that can connect to any text-based TCP/IP server. Many Mac and Linux machines come with this utility built-in. Here is an example of connecting to a Syncrify Client using Netcat.

nc localhost 53110

Last parameter is the port. Change that value according to the description above to connect to Syncrify Server or the background service.

Option 3 - Use SyncrifyClient.jar

Syncrify Client has a built-in utility, similar to Telnet Client and Netcat. Use the following syntax to connect.

java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -talkToService -tPort 51110

Note that the name for SyncrifyClient.jar is often different. For example, this file is called clientRT.jar if you look in the Data Folder/reqLibs directory.

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