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Document ID: 2202
Subject: How to install Syncrify Client without the installer
Creation date: 10/19/12 12:19 PM
Last modified on: 12/12/18 3:10 PM

Manually installing Syncrify

Often companies want to install Syncrify client using a script or a custom installer. This page demonstrates how to accomplish this task, allowing companies to install Syncrify using a custom script. IMPORTANT The following instructions assume you want to use the Service-based installer.

Steps to install manually

One important piece of information to keep in mind is that every file during installation is saved in one location. Typically, the location of this folder on Windows is C:\Program Files\SyncrifyBackupClient. Essentially, you need to perform 3 tasks:

Task 1 - Copy required files
The easiest way to accomplish this goal is to install Syncrify client on a different machine using the regular installer and then copy the files stored in C:\Program Files\SyncrifyBackupClient to the actual client machines. It is important you install the files for the correct architecture. Installing 64bit client on a 32bit machine will result in errors.

You can install files on the target machine in any folder of your choice. For example: C:\BackupClient
Task 2 - Register Service
Once files are copied to the target machine, open a Command window. You will have to elevate the user on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2008. Click here for a screen shot.

Once the command window is open, type the following commands:
cd \BackupClient
BackupClient -installService
The above command will install Syncrify Service. You should see a new service called Backup Monitoring Service installed on Windows.
Task 3 - Create shortcut
Finally, create a shortcut for C:\BackupClient\BackupClient.exe on user's Desktop for easy access.

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