Recipe to start your own business
Make money and do what you love

Do you have what it takes to start a computer business? If you know a handful of companies that can use your technical expertise, starting a small computer business is easier than you think. This page provides a recipe to start your own business in a few easy steps.


    Initial Cost
    Unlike many traditional businesses, you do not need tens of thousands of dollars to start a business in the IT industry. The most precious asset is usually the knowledge you have. Having said that, there will be some initial cost to purchase hardware and a high-speed Internet connection.
    Planning is probably the most important part in starting any business. You should be able to answer the following questions at the end of your planning phase:
    • What value will you be providing to your clients
    • How will you be different from others providing similar services
    • How will you retain as well as increase your customer base?
    Many businesses fail at infancy. This happens because the owner loses focus if they do not see a return right away. It is very important to stay focused and continue believing in yourself. As long as your plan is good, you will succeed.


    Identify potential clients
    First, identify companies or individuals who use computers in their day-to-day tasks. I am sure that won't be a tough job. If any of these companies/individuals have important data on their computers, they will likely need to back that up in case something goes wrong.
    Internet connection
    You will need a high-speed Internet connection with a static IP address in your home/office, allowing your users to backup their data on your network
    Download and install the Syncrify server on a machine inside your network. This machine will act as a central repository to store backups from your clients. When you sign up a customer who is interested in backing up their data, you will install Syncrify client on their machine, which will backup their computer to your computer.

Why Syncrify?

    Service provider not a reseller
    One of the biggest advantages of providing a service based on Syncrify is that you are not reselling a software but you are providing a service. Reselling means you sell a software to a company, get a small commission and then try to find another client. With Syncrify you are in contact touch with your client. In fact, they will be storing their encrypted data on your network.
    Maximum ROI
    With Syncrify you get maximum ROI because your cost is a one-time fee to purchase a license and you generate recurring revenue from your clients. Additionally, you decide how much you want to charge your clients. We will never see or dictate your pricing model.


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