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Document ID: 3724
Subject: How to share one RDBMS with two instances of Syncrify Server
Creation date: 8/14/14 4:30 PM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 11:56 AM

Sharing RDBMS in Syncrify

Administrators can optionally use a relational database to store user information in Syncrify. An RDBMS is very useful if you have too many users and/or you wish to modify these users from a different system such as your corporate website.

Consider a scenario where you have deployed multiple Syncrify servers in your network and want to distribute users between them. For example, assume you have 800 users all together. Server1 handles first 500 users while server2 handles the remaining 300. You also have a website that manages these users and want to add/modify/remove these users from this website. For argument sake, assume the URLs of the two Syncrify server is:
By default, Syncrify uses a table name called synusers to store user information. There are two options on how to achieve this goal:

  1. Share the same table between both instances
  2. Use different two different tables

Sharing same table

The easiest way from an administrative perspective, is to let both instances of Syncrify share the same table. The downside of this approach is that you will see all 800 users in both instances of Syncrify. In this case you will have to separate users based on a policy. This means when a new user is created, you have to decide which server is going to handle that user and give them the appropriate URL.

Using two different tables

Syncrify stores data in the synusers table in the database by default. This name is configurable. The following steps demonstrate how to modify this name.

  • Create a new table in your database having the same schema as the synusers table. Let's call this backupusers.
  • Stop Syncrify Server running on server2
  • Locate AppConfig.xml in $INSTALL_DIR\config folder.
  • Make a backup of this file in case you need to rollback
  • Add a new parameter line that reads like:

    <parameter name="userTableName" type="1" value="backupusers"></parameter>

    After modification the file should look something like:
  • Save the file
  • Restart Syncrify
  • Since you do not have any records in this new table, the users screen will be empty in Syncrify web interface. However, any new users from this instance of Syncrify server will now appear in the new backupusers table.
  • From now on, server1 will use synusers where as server2 will use backupusers

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