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Document ID: 2230
Subject: Settings won't save for a profile
Creation date: 12/20/12 6:57 AM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 11:54 AM

Settings in Syncrify client do not stick


Modifications made to a profile settings do not save.


When UAC is enabled on Windows, files saved as an elevated user cannot be modified by a non-elevated user. Profile information is saved in a flat file on user's machine in the Data Folder. If somehow a profile file is saved as an elevated user, the OS won't allow saving that file again as a non-elevated user.


Following steps show how to fix this problem:
  • Start Syncrify client
  • Load the problematic profile. Let's say the profile name is MyBackup
  • Click Open Data Folder under the File menu
  • Locate MyBackup.syncrify file and move it to a different folder, such as your Desktop.
  • Make a minor change in Syncrify client so the save button gets enabled and then save the profile. Make sure you undo any temporary change you made in order to enable the save button.
This will create a new file called MyBackup.syncrify in the Data Folder as a non-elevated user and it should work fine from now on.

User comments

Posted by Jeff on 12/7/16 1:49 AM

For me this didn't work as the newly created file had the same restrictive access. What did work was simply change the permissions of that file for the current user.

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