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Document ID: 1823
Subject: Scheduler button does not work on Windows 7
Creation date: 8/11/11 9:29 AM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 11:53 AM

Scheduler does not work on Windows 7

Often users run into situations where the scheduler button does not do anything when running Syncrify client on Windows 7. To see exactly what is going on refer to the SyncrifyClient.log file on the client machine.

Most likely you are running into one of the two possible scenarios:
  1. You see a message saying SyncW32.dll is not found, OR
  2. Access is denied

Solving SyncW32.dll is not found

The most common reason for this error is that you have installed the 32bit version of Syncrify but are using 64bit version of Java VM to run it. Make sure you install the 64bit version of Syncrify with Java VM. (Do not download the 64bit version without VM).

You will have to uninstall the existing version and reinstall the correct binary. Reinstalling will keep your profiles intact.

Solving Access denied

When you create a scheduled task, the OS creates a .JOB files for this schedule. If a file or a scheduled task is created using the elevated privileges on Windows 7, Vista or 2008, that file cannot be modified when you run Syncrify as a regular user.

To solve this permission problem, you need to recreate the schedule using a regular (non-elevated) user. Follow the steps below to complete this task:

  1. First, locate the icon for Syncrify Client among All Programs, click the right mouse button and select Run as administrator. Click here for an image.

  2. The operating system will display a UAC prompt. You must click OK to proceed.

  3. Click the Delete button to remove the existing schedule

  4. Exit Syncrify and restart it using a regular user.

  5. Now create a brand new schedule. This schedule will now be owned by a regular user and you will be able to modify it as a regular user.

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