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Document ID: 2158
Subject: Backups are taking long time, what can I do?
Creation date: 9/5/12 3:25 PM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 12:28 PM

Troubleshooting long backups

The amount of time a backup takes to finish is directly proportional to:
  • The amount of files that are different between client and server
  • The size of files
  • Size of delta, particularly for large files

What to look for

Current files
The first and most important information to figure out is, which file(s) are being processed at a given time. If the file being processed is large (in gigabytes), it could take a long time to backup.

The status bar in the Syncrify client usually displays the file name being processed. Another mechanism to get more information about a running backup is connecting to a running backup job via telnet. Click here for details.
Delta size
When backing up large files, it is very common to have a delta file that too is very large. For example, if you are backing up a 50 GB file, the delta for this file can be 20GB. In that case, the entire 20 GB has to be copied to the server, which can take a long time.
Folder cache
Local folder cache is used to reduce network requests from client to server. This cache is considered stale after 30 days, which is done by design to prevent situations where files are changed on the server. This means that once a month Syncrify is going to refresh this cache and that can take some time if you have too many folders.

Consider modifying the number of days before this cache is considered stale if you are absolutely sure files are never modified on the server. Follow the steps below to modify this value:
  • Start Syncrify Client
  • Click Open Data Folder under the File menu and locate ClientConfig.xml file.
  • Open this file in any editor and modify the value for cacheStaleDays, which is specified in number of days.
  • Save the file.

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