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Document ID: 1941
Subject: What is Invalid Job ID error
Creation date: 1/13/12 4:09 PM
Last modified on: 12/14/18 11:34 AM

What is "Invalid Job ID" error?

When the Syncrify client starts a backup job, the server assigns a Job ID to client. This job ID is sent to the server for every HTTP request the client makes. This job ID is volatile, meaning it is stored in server's memory space not on disk.

This job ID becomes invalid if:
  • The server is restarted
  • The client takes too long to respond and server thinks it is dead. By default, the server waits for 5 hours before considering a client dead.

The most common reason for getting this error is if Syncrify server is restarted while a backup is running. When the server comes back up, it does not accept requests from the client because the Job ID is no longer valid.

Restarting a backup job will fix this error.

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