Private cloud backup software

Private cloud deployment ensures the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information. Using Syncrify to create a cloud backup is extremely easy and the most cost effective solution in today's market. Cloud backup Whether you are a typical enterprise wanting to create a private cloud backup for your organization or an ISP providing remote backup services to your client, consider Syncrify to meet your needs.

Why use a cloud backup?

  • Safe and secure way of backing up data on a remote data storage
  • Files always stay within your network, mitigating privacy risk associated with other online backup solutions.
  • Accessible from anywhere
  • Data protection for remote offices
  • Highly scalable - no cap on storage limit
  • Restore files on demand - even storing a previous version of a file

Public Vs Private Cloud

There are two major reasons why a private cloud is better than public cloud:
  • Privacy concerns

    When using a private-cloud you never share your sensitive data with any other company. Every file stays in your controls.

    There are two problems with a public cloud:
    1. loss of control over data
    2. dependence on the cloud computing provider
    These two issues can lead to a number of legal and security concerns related to infrastructure, identity management, access control, risk management, regulatory and legislative compliance, auditing and logging, integrity control as well as Cloud Computing provider dependent risks.
  • Cost

    Most public cloud backups charge relative to the amount of data that is backed up. The more data you have, the more you pay. Moreover, there is no guarantee the subscription rates to pay today will remain contact forever.

    A private cloud solution, such as Syncrify, never charges for the amount of data you backup. Therefore, it does not matter if you backup 1 GB or 20 TB. Additionally, you typically do not pay a monthly subscription fee. You pay for the software once, and use it forever.

Who can use Syncrify?

If data is important to you, you need to back it up, it's that simple.

When using Syncrify, your data resides on an external server outside your office, preferably at a remote location. Whether this remote location is owned by your company or a third-party service provider, your data is encrypted using strong AES encryption, preventing any unauthorized access.

Small, mid-sized and large companies can create their own private cloud by installing Syncrify in a secure central location and have their employees backup to this repository. This is the best option for companies concerned about storing their private files to a location owned by a third-party company.


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