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Document ID: 1359
Subject: Troubleshooting startup problems for Syncrify client
Creation date: 6/2/10 9:38 AM
Last modified on: 8/31/10 4:06 PM

Troubleshooting Syncrify client

Follow the steps below if for any reason Syncrify clients does not work on your machine.


In newer versions of Syncrify, you won't find SyncrifyClient.jar in the installation folder. Replace that with Loader.jar
  1. Click on the Start button on your task bar and type cmd. If you are using Windows XP or 2003, you will have to click on the Run item and then type cmd. Refer to the image below.

  2. This will open a Console (DOS) window. Next you have to change the current directory to the location where Syncrify client is installed. Type the following command to do that.

    cd "\Program Files\SyncrifyClient"

    Refer to the image below.

  3. Finally type the following command to run Syncrify.

    jre\bin\java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar

This should start running Syncrify. If for any reason it does not work, you should see an error message on the screen. Send that error message to our support department.

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