Document information

Document ID: 1755
Subject: Chunk, merge, and temp files in Syncrify
Creation date: 6/2/11 7:13 AM
Last modified on: 4/18/23 9:33 AM

What are .chunk, .merge, and .tmp files

On several occasions, Syncrify needs to create temporary files. These temporary files are created in the $TEMP folder on your machine. The exact location of this folder is OS-dependent. For example, on Windows, this could be C:\Windows\Temp, and is /tmp on Linux.

Syncrify removes temporary files once a synchronization job completes, provided there are no errors. However, in case of errors, these files are not deleted until the Syncrify server process terminates. Consider the following example:

  • Client sends a file that is 10 GB in size. This file does not come to the server in one piece but in several chunks.
  • Every time the server receives a chunk it appends the incoming data to this temporary file.
  • Finally, when the entire file comes over, it moves this file from this temporary location to its final location
  • If the client does not send the entire file successfully, which can occur due to a network problem, the server does not know when to delete the temporary file; therefore, it stays there for a longer period of time.

Temp Files Filling Up My Disk. What Can I do?

Lingering temp files are not a problem but a symptom of a different problem. As mentioned above, temp files are not cleaned when Syncrify runs into a problem during backup. To see the exact problem, refer to the logs on both client and server's end.


The latest version of Syncrify is designed to delete temp files older than four days

Can I delete these files?

Yes, you can. However, make sure you only delete files that are in use by Syncrify. A good practice is to remove files that are older than 24 hours, which will ensure the file is no longer in use.

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