Syncrify » FAQ

What happens after I purchase Syncrify Professional?

The personal edition of Syncrify does not use a machine-license. It allows you to create 1 user and up to 5 profiles. You can create these 5 profiles on either 1 machine or 5 different machines.

When you purchase licenses for Syncrify Professional, the licensing is based on the number of machines, not users. For example, you will need 5 machine licenses if you have 5 machines where you want to install Syncrify Client.

Users and Profiles

Users and Profiles are irrelevant in a machine-license. You can create as many users and/or profiles you need. As long as you do not exceed the number of machines where Syncrify client is installed, you are not violating any licensing agreement.

Will I lose my free license?

Yes. Once you upgrade to Professional edition, you must purchase a license for every machine that you want to backup. You will not be able to use the free license that comes with the Personal edition.


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