Installing and Configuring Syncrify Client on Linux

This page discusses steps to install and configure Syncrify Client on a headless Linux machine.

Downloading Syncrify Client

Use the following command to download Syncrify Client on Linux:

The above command assumes you're using 64bit version of Linux. Visit the download page for additional download options.

Installing Syncrify Client

Extract the downloaded file using the following command:
tar -xvf SyncrifyClientLinux.tar

Next, run the installer
sudo ./

The install will prompt you to select an installation path, which is set to /opt/SyncrifyClient by default. The remainder of this document assumes you have installed Syncrify Client on the default path.

The installer performs two operations:

  1. Copies necessary files to /opt/SyncrifyClient.
  2. Creates a launch script in /etc/init.d/ folder, which launches a background service at boot.
Configuring a Job

Once Syncrify Client is installed, use the following command to launch Syncrify Client.

sudo /opt/SyncrifyClient/

In case is missing, create a new file and paste the following script.


echo "Enter port number: "
read answer
jre/bin/java -jar Loader.jar -httpPort ${answer}

After spawning the WebGUI, connect to your Linux machine from a Windows box or from the same Linux machine, provided it has X-Windows installed. Refer to this page to watch a video on this topic.

Very Important

You must launch the Syncrify Client WebGUI using the same user id that will run scheduled backups. By default, this is the 'root' account. This step is very important because Syncrify Client puts every configuration file in a folder called $DATA_FOLDER. The actual path of this folder is off of user's home directory. For example, when running as 'root', the actual path usually becomes /root/.syncrify. Refer to the documentation for $DATA_FOLDER if you want to change this location.


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