Read error 20015

There are two causes of getting a Read error 20015:
  1. File is being accessed by another process - This means some other program has put a read-lock on the file and it therefore, it cannot be read by Syncrify.

    The easiest way to fix such problem is to use VSS. Click here for more information.
  2. Access is denied - This occurs when there is a permission problem accessing the file. A scheduled backup is typically run by a background service on Windows. The name of this service is Backup Monitor Service. The login ID that typically runs this service is Local System Account. You get this error if Local System Account does not have read-access to the file.

    There are a few options on how to solve this problem:
    FirstManually modify the security for this file and add Read Access to the account running Backup Monitor Service
    SecondRun the Backup Monitor Service using an account that already has read permission
    ThirdAdd Backup Operators role to the account that runs Backup Monitor Service


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