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Document ID: 5319
Subject: Troubleshooting common problems when running Syncrify Client on Linux
Creation date: 10/14/19 1:58 PM
Last modified on: 10/14/19 2:13 PM

Troubleshooting Common Problems on Linux

Most Linux machines do not have a GUI and therefore, you have to run Syncrify Client from the command line. This page discusses some common problem users run into when using Syncrify Client on Linux

Tip 1 - Headless
The term "Headless" refers to no GUI. Trying to run Syncrify Client on a machine that is headless will run into problems. You will see the following error in the log file:
	Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.awt.HeadlessException:
	No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
			at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless(
			at java.awt.Window.(
			at java.awt.Frame.(
			at java.awt.Frame.(
			at javax.swing.JFrame.(
			at com.synametrics.syncrify.client.SyncrifyClient.(
			at com.synametrics.syncrify.client.SyncrifyClient$
			at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(

The message above indicates you're trying to run a process that expects a graphical user interface but none is available.

Steps to solve

You must run Syncrify Client in Command line mode as explained here. In short, you will have to specify the -console parameter as the command line argument.
Tip 2 - Location of the Data Folder
Location of the Data Folder is very important. Configuration about the profiles is stored in the data folder and therefore, backups will not work if this location is incorrect.

Syncrify tries to determine the path of Data Folder at runtime, which is typically set to ~/.syncrify, which could translate to something like /users/yourUserName/.syncrify. If you are running the background service in Syncrify under the root account, that service will try to look for the Data Folder in /root/.syncrify, which will be different from a regular user.

Steps to solve

There are two ways to solve this issue:
  • Method 1: Always run Syncrify Client as root. This will ensure the instance of your Syncrify Client process uses /root/.syncrify for the Data Folder.
  • Method 2: Explicitly specify the location of the Data Folder when launching Syncrify Client as well as the background service. Refer to this page for instruction on how to do that and look at the section towards the end that talks about Linux.
Tip 3 - Schedule Backup Don't Run

Scheduled backups run using a background service. This service is typically started when the machine boots through a script located in /etc/init.d/ folder. Although the name of the script is typically set to syncrifyclient, it may be different on your machine.

Common Issues with Service

  • Startup script is missing
    Confirm the presence of /etc/init.d/syncrifyclient. Use the following methods to confirm if the service is running:
    1. Using telnet - Connect to the service using the following command:
      telnet localhost 51110
      Check this page for details.
    2. Use ps command
      ps -eaf | grep -i loader
      The above command should return the process id of the running service
  • Service is running but still scheduled backups don't run
    Confirm the location of the $DATA_FOLDER is identical for the service and the interactive tool. To avoid this problem, ensure you run the interactive tool as the same user that runs the service. For example, if the background service runs as 'root', ensure the interactive tool also runs as root. Check example 4 on this page for instructions on running the interactive tool.

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