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Document ID: 5205
Subject: I get a virus warning when trying to download WinSQL
Creation date: 3/26/18 8:29 AM
Last modified on: 11/8/18 11:15 AM

Virus warning when downloading WinSQL

Recently a few users have contacted us regarding a possible virus warning message when downloading WinSQL. This is a false alarm

Synametrics Technologies, Inc. guarantees against any malware/virus in their software. WinSQL's installer (WinSQLSetup.exe) is digitally signed by Synametrics. You can always check the authenticity of any downloaded file by confirming its digital signature. This is done by right clicking WinSQLSetup.exe and selecting Properties from the pop-up menu. You will see a tab for Digital Signatures if the file has been signed. The following image displays this tab for WinSQLSetup.exe.

Removal Requests

Synametrics Technologies, Inc. has already filed a false positive request to TrendMicro and Symantec asking them to remove WinSQL's installer from their database. The following image is a reply received from Symantec confirming they have removed it. We are not sure how long it takes to get the actual signature removed from their individual products.

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