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Document ID: 1502
Subject: Scheduling backups under a different user account
Creation date: 9/13/10 12:52 PM
Last modified on: 11/12/18 12:40 PM

Running backups under a different user account

When scheduling a backup task in Windows, you must specify a valid user id on the operating system.

The following steps demonstrate how to run a backup task using the built-in SYSTEM account on Windows.

  • Start Syncrify Client
  • Schedule a task using Syncrify Client
  • When Windows prompts you to specify a user id and password, use NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM as the login ID

  • Leave the password field blank when using the SYSTEM account.
  • Click OK all the way
That should be it. Now even if Syncrify Client is run under the "SYSTEM" account, it will know the path where profile information is stored.

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