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Document ID: 8869
Subject: Syncrify Anti-Virus and Firewall Packet Inspection
Creation date: 1/6/22 3:48 PM
Last modified on: 3/2/23 4:13 PM

Syncrify Anti-Virus and Firewall Packet Inspection

Firewalls and Anti-viruses are helpful tools that are present in almost every environment. However, some of these applications can cause unwanted issues with Syncrify when it comes to web traffic. Specifically, firewalls and AVs that use any form of packet inspection or web protection can potentially interfere with the communication between your Syncrify client and server.

When configuring your security tool, it is important that you exclude it from monitoring traffic on the ports assigned to your Syncrify, not just the application itself.

Many of these applications use terminology like Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), Web Protection or Web Shield, however your specific application may have a different name for this. It is important that you consult with your applications provider to prevent packet filtering over the specific port that Syncrify runs on.

Below is a list of well-known Firewalls and AVs that use some form of packet inspection, and articles on how to disable or exclude specific ports:


AVAST Web-shield can be configured to allow website exceptions for your server's domain name: Avast Web-shield configuration.

Disable the HTTPS scanning to prevent HTTPS traffic between the clients and your server: Disable HTTPS scanning.


Sophos will require you to add a web policy and firewall rule to bypass traffic on your Syncrify Server's port.


Exclude Deep Inspection from the port Syncrify runs on and turn off and web filtering.


Disable DPI or add an access rule for the port or domain that your Syncrify server runs on.


Add an exclusion for the specific port that Syncrify server runs on.


Disable port protocol protection on the port the Syncrify server runs on.


Disable Filtering on your port othat Syncrify communicates over.

Have a Firewall/AV not listed here?

If you or your organization use a different firewall or anti-virus not listed above, please reach out to us at

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