Different Interfaces for Syncrify Client

Syncrify Client has multiple interfaces:

  1. Web-based - This is the default and works on any operating system, including headless Linux and NAS devices that do not have X-Windows installed.
  2. Desktop GUI - Works on Microsoft Windows, Mac
  3. Command Line Interface - Works on any operating system. Refer to this page for details.

Switching Between Different Types

The Web-based interface is the default. To switch between other types, click Tools/Options and modify the settings for Web Client.

Regardless of the type of Syncrify Client you use, you will eventually make changes to the files located inside the Data Folder. On rare occasions, you could also modify files in the Data Folder to change your profile setting.

Switching To Another Type Without GUI

Follow the directions below to change the Syncrify Client type without using the GUI, which is helpful if, for any reason, you're unable to open a particular type.

  • Manually go to the Data Folder. On Windows, this location is C:\ProgramData\Syncrify and is ~/.syncrify on Linux. On Mac, this path is set to /Users/Shared/SyncrifyData.
  • Open ClientConfig.xml file in any editor
  • Search for the parameter clientType. Use one of the following values:
    • 0 - means default. This will most likely start Syncrify in Web mode
    • 1 - GUI (Swing older interface)
    • 2 - JFX (Newer GUI)
    • 3 - Web Interface
  • Save the file
  • Restart Syncrify Client


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