Document information

Document ID: 1753
Subject: Using an SSL certificate for IIS in SynaMan
Creation date: 5/31/11 4:39 PM
Last modified on: 4/27/20 11:56 AM

Using a certificate for IIS in SynaMan

If you already have an SSL certificate purchased for Microsoft IIS server, you can use that in SynaMan by following the steps below. IMPORTANT: You must be using build 1337 or higher in order for this to work.

  • Export an existing wildcard certificate from IIS using steps mentioned on this page.
  • Login to SynaMan's web interface as admin
  • Type the following URL in the browser's address bar:
    Change the host name and port to match your instance of SynaMan.

  • Using the next screen, upload an exported certificate from Microsoft IIS server.
  • Restart SynaMan after importing this certificate.

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User comments

Posted by Chris on 2/26/19 7:22 PM

If you get an error in the GUI about not being able to rename the 'synaman.pfx' file during this process, go to synaman\htdocs\sslCert and rename the synaman.pfx file manually then go through the process again.

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