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Document ID: 749
Subject: Use period instead of a comma when displaying decimals in DB2
Creation date: 7/29/09 11:28 AM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 12:45 PM

Using Comma

Before displaying any numeric data on screen, WinSQL asks the ODBC driver to convert it into a character value. It is important to know that this conversion is done by the ODBC driver and therefore, there is no setting in WinSQL that can affect this format.

You will see a comma as a decimal separator if the locale on your machine is set to a country that uses a comma to separate the decimal part of a number.

IBM's CLI library offers a way to change this behavior. To force the ODBC driver to use a period instead of a comma, edit the db2cli.ini, which by default is located in C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB. Add the following line in the section pertaining to your database.


Refer the following links to get more information about CLI parameters.

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