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Document ID: 9025
Subject: Troubleshooting Salesforce connection using ODBC
Creation date: 11/7/23 11:24 AM
Last modified on: 11/7/23 12:08 PM

Troubleshooting Salesforce connection using ODBC

This page provides some useful tips if you run into problem connecting WinSQL to Salesforce.

The most common problem when connecting to Salesforce is related to the following error:

There are two main reasons for this error:

Incorrect or missing registry
The ODBC driver for Salesforce requires an entry for a JAR file in the registry, as displayed in the image below.

If this entry is missing, create it manually using the following steps:

  • Open Regedit.exe
  • Create a new String value called JarFile
  • Set the value for this parameter to C:\ProgramData\WinSQL\Drivers64\java\lib\sforce.jar, which is the location of the JAR file. Ensure the file exists.
Java.exe or Jvm.dll is not in the PATH
Open a Command Prompt and type the following commands:
where java.exe
where jvm.dll

Both commands should return the path where these files are located. If any of these return an error, modify the PATH variable on your machine and add the folder containing these files. Note that these files are in different folders.

Assume java.exe is located in C:\Program Files\java8\bin\java.exe, JVM.DLL will most likely be in C:\Program Files\java8\jre\bin\server. You will need both of these folders in your System PATH variable.

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