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Document ID: 1491
Subject: I get a message 'Unable to lock profile' when running a backup
Creation date: 9/4/10 7:03 AM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 12:31 PM

Unable to lock profile

When a backup is running in the Syncrify Client, it creates a lock file preventing a second instance of Syncrify Client from running the same profile. When a backup is complete this lock is released.

This lock is not released if the Syncrify Client terminates prematurely. In such cases you will have to release the lock manually.

Steps to release a lock

  • Start Syncrify Client
  • Click Open Data Folder under the File menu
  • This will open Windows Explorer
  • Look for a file with a .lock extension and delete it.

User comments

Posted by david on 10/3/10 2:40 PM

The .lock extension file may not be in the data folder. Mine was in a ".syncrify" folder in my user directory.

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