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java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -console -createProfile
Profile name: | Name of the profile. We recommend you use a one word name without spaces. Assume you use MyBackup for this value, you can issue the following command to run a backupjava -jar SyncrifyClient.jar MyBackup.syncrify
Server URL: | Refers to the URL where your server is running. For example: OR
Login email: | Email address used for user's login |
Password: | User's password |
Path: | Refers to the path that you want to backup. For example: /users/home/john/Documents
Filter | Specify a filter string. Refer to this document for more information |
Additional path: | Specify additional folders/files to backup. You can specify as many paths as you like. Hit ENTER without typing any path when done. |
Excluded path: | Enter the path that you want to exclude from the list |
Compress data: | Type Y for yes and N for no. When set to Y, client will compress data before sending it to the server |
Delete files: | Type Y for yes and N for no. When set to Y, server will delete files if they are deleted from the client. |
Backup locked files | Type Y for yes and N for no. When set to Y, VSS services are used on Windows. This parameter is only meaningful on Windows. It has no effect on other operating systems. |
Enable versioning | Versioning is enabled if set to Y |
Send email: | An email is sent with a backup log |
Email recipient | Address that gets the email. If blank, login email is used for the recipient's address |
Encryption key | Password used for encryption |