New features in 3.0
A beta release of version 3.0 of Syncrify is available for testing. Please contact if you are interested in beta testing the new version.
Completed features
Following features have been implemented and are ready in the beta release.
- Backup directions - client to server, server to client and two-way sync
- Single folder backup - increases scalability and performance of backup task when millions of files are in a job.
- Backup reports display client IP and build number
- Multiple threads can handle files with a folder when running backup
- Report by date
- Additional admin accounts
- Ability to activate/deactivate users without deleting
- Ability to save backup log to server in CSV format
- Local folder cache
- Repository Exceptions are enhanced
- Ability to upgrade clients, rather than reinstalling the entire client binary again.
- Ability to generate email only upon error.
- Ability to monitor a backup from a remote machine
Incomplete features
Following features are planned for version 3.0 but have not been implemented yet in the beta release.
Although the following feature(s) are planned to be included, we will release v3.0 without one or more of these features if we run into technical challenges. In that case, we will release minor releases as soon as the task is complete.
- Ability to monitor a handful of folders and running backup as soon as a change is detected.