Triggering a remote backup from the Syncrify Server

You can trigger a backup from the Syncrify Server web interface on a remote client using the instructions below.

  • Connect to your Syncrify Server as the administrator.
  • Click Remote Clients under Quick Links (on the right-hand side)
  • You should see a list of every Syncrify Client connecting to this server. Click Details for the desired client.
  • Click the Play button icon under the action column.
  • This will request that the remote client start a backup. Note that it can take up to 60 seconds for a backup to start.

Note that running a backup in this manner simulates a scheduled backup.

Troubleshooting Tips

I don't see the desired client listed in the Remote Clients screen

Every Syncrify Client pings the server once every 60 seconds. Consider the following reasons if you don't see an expected client on this screen:

  • The client's machine is off or went into sleep mode.
  • The Backup Monitor Service on the client's machine is no longer running.
  • The client cannot reach the network where the server is running.
I sent a request but backup did not run

Check the log files on the client's end to see if it ran into any errors. The two important log files are:

  1. BKServ.log
  2. SyncrifyClient.log

Click here for instructions on how to view the log files.


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