SynaMan » Frequently asked questions

Getting updates for SynaMan

If you have a valid support contract, every night your copy of SynaMan updates itself by pulling the latest binaries from our website. Necessary files are automatically downloaded and SynaMan is restarted. The system also sends out an email to the administrator notifying about the update.

What happens if the update fails?

Before applying the newly downloaded patches, SynaMan compares the integrity of the downloaded files by matching their MD5 signatures. If the signatures do not match, update is aborted. You will see error messages in SynaMan.log file when this happens.

SynaMan downloads all necessary files to the $INSTALLDIR/patches folder. After checking the integrity of the files, it moves the downloaded files to its appropriate location and restarts the process. In ideal situation, you should only see AppLauncher.jar file in the patches folder. Existence of any other file in this folder indicates a problem with auto update. In such cases we recommend you login to the web interface as an admin and click on the Check for updates link.

Updating manually

The auto-update feature only works if:
  • Out-bound port 80 (HTTP) is not blocked by your firewall
  • Auto-update is disabled
If for any reason updates are not being applied, you can manually update your copy.


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