Troubleshoot problems

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Document ID: 5230
Subject: You get a 404 error related to GWT in SynaMan
Creation date: 7/29/18 11:06 AM
Last modified on: 7/29/18 11:06 AM

You get a 404 error related to GWT

You get the following error after upgrading to v4.1 of SynaMan.

Why is this happening

SynaMan runs on top of Java. You run into this error if the version of Java is very old. To see the version of java, type http://yourHostName/app?operation=sinfo and refer to the java.runtime.version. A value less than 1.8 is considered old.

How to fix

You run into this error if your SynaMan is using a very old version of Java JRE. To fix, we recommend you update the installer using the following instructions.
  • Stop SynaMan's service
  • Using Windows File Manager, go to the folder where SynaMan is installed. On Windows, it should C:\SynaMan and /opt/SynaMan on Linux.
  • Make a backup of the following folders
    • branding
    • config
    • FileComments
  • Uninstall SynaMan
  • Download the latest version of SynaMan from here and reinstall it
  • Stop the service
  • Restore the folders you backed up earlier
  • Restart the service

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