Different Ways To Connect to a SynaMan Server

SynaMan offers multiple methods to connect from a remote machine. This page discusses all of these methods and their pros and cons.

  • Web Browser - This is the most popular and common way to connect from any computer. Users can upload and download files without installing any other tool.
  • Mapped Drives - Users can map a drive from their Windows or Mac machines. Once they have done so, they can transfer files to and from a SynaMan server.
  • Desktop App - Users can download a desktop application on either Windows or Mac.
  • Mobile App - Download the app for Android and iOS


The following table compares these methods.

Feature Web Browser Mapped Drives Desktop App Mobile App
Available in Personal Edition Yes No No No
Maximum Transfer Size Unlimited 2GB Unlimited 2GB
Upload Multiple Files Simultaneously Yes Yes Yes No
Download Multiple Files Simultaneously Yes. Files will be zipped. Yes Yes No
Upload/Download Folders No Yes Yes No
Partial Transfers No No Yes No
Quick Edit No Yes Yes No


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