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Document ID: 748
Subject: SQL30082N Attempt to establish connection failed with security reason
Creation date: 7/29/09 11:26 AM
Last modified on: 7/29/09 11:27 AM


Explanation: The attempt to connect to the remote database server was rejected due to invalid or incorrect security information. The cause of the security error is described by the and corresponding value.

The following is a list of reason codes and corresponding reason strings:

0 (NOT SPECIFIED) The specific security error is not specified.

1 (PASSWORD EXPIRED) The password specified in the request has expired.

2 (PASSWORD INVALID) The password specified in the request is not valid.

3 (PASSWORD MISSING) The request did not include a password.

4 (PROTOCOL VIOLATION) The request violated security protocols.

5 (USERID MISSING) The request did not include a userid.

6 (USERID INVALID) The userid specified in the request is not valid.

7 (USERID REVOKED) The userid specified in the request has been revoked.

8 (GROUP INVALID) The group specified in the request is not valid.

9 (USERID REVOKED IN GROUP) The userid specified in the request has been revoked in the group.

10 (USERID NOT IN GROUP) The userid specified in the request is not in the group.

11 (USERID NOT AUTHORIZED AT REMOTE LU) The userid specified in the request is not authorized at the remote Logical Unit.

12 (USERID NOT AUTHORIZED FROM LOCAL LU) The userid specified in the request is not authorized at the remote Logical Unit when coming from the local Logical Unit.

13 (USERID NOT AUTHORIZED TO TP) The userid specified in the request is not authorized to access the Transaction Program.

14 (INSTALLATION EXIT FAILED) The installation exit failed.

15 (PROCESSING FAILURE) Security processing at the server failed.

16 (NEW PASSWORD INVALID) the password specified on a change password request did not meet the server's requirements.

17 (UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION) the security mechanism specified by the client is invalid for this server. Some typical examples:

  • The client sent a new password value to a server that does not support the DRDA change password function.
  • The client sent DCE authentication information to a server that does not support DCE.
  • The client sent SERVER_ENCRYPT or DCS_ENCRYPT authentication information to a server that does not support password encryption.
  • The client sent a userid (but no password) to a server that does not support authentication by userid only.

18 (NAMED PIPE ACCESS DENIED) The named pipe is inaccessible due to a security violation.

19 (USERID DISABLED or RESTRICTED) The userid has been disabled, or the userid has been restricted from accessing the operating environment at this time.

20 (MUTUAL AUTHENTICATION FAILED) The server being contacted failed to pass a mutual authentication check. The server is either an imposter, or the ticket sent back was damaged.

21 (RESOURCE TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE) Security processing at the server was terminated because a resource was temporarily unavailable. For example, on AIX, no user licenses may have been available.

User Response: Ensure that the proper userid and/or password is supplied.

The userid may be disabled, the userid may be restricted to accessing specific workstations, or the userid may be restricted to certain hours of operation.

For reason code 17, retry the command with a supported authentication type.

For reason code 20, make sure the authentication mechanism for the server is started, and retry.

User comments

Posted by Rick on 1/3/11 2:17 PM

Would be nice to know the steps on how to correct the problem

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