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Document ID: 9010
Subject: I ran out of disk space and now Syncrify won't start
Creation date: 8/27/23 8:23 PM
Last modified on: 8/27/23 8:29 PM

I ran out of disk space and now Syncrify won't start

Problem Statement

Syncrify was working fine until I ran out of disk space on the machine where Syncrify server was running. Although the disk problem has been solved, Syncrify does not start.

How To Fix

When you run out of disk space, the most common problem you would run into is file corruption. This file corruption is not limited to Syncrify but could happen with any process running on the system that needs to save files.

By default, Syncrify Server makes seven copies of every configuration file in a zipped format. These files are stored in $INSTALL_DIR\config\archives folder. These files are stored using weekday names, such as, and so on. Additionally, a backup is done around midnight. Assume you ran out of disk space on a Monday around 10 AM. In that case, restoring the file for would represent the backup around midnight on that Monday and therefore, restoring the files from that archive and replacing them with files in $INSTALL_DIR\config should fix the problem. You will have to restart Syncrify after replacing the files.

It is better to extract the contents of into a temp folder, compare the size of the files in this temp folder with the real files in $INSTALL_DIR\config to see which one is bad.

The most important files in $INSTALL_DIR\config are:

  • AppConfig.xml
  • UserMappings.xml
  • UserGroups.xml

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