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Document ID: 848
Subject: Finding version and release date of an ODBC driver
Creation date: 8/7/09 10:25 AM
Last modified on: 12/12/18 10:11 AM


It is very helpful to know the version and release date of an ODBC driver. We always recommend you use the latest version of the ODBC driver with WinSQL.

IMPORTANT: WinSQL shares the memory space with the ODBC drivers. If any ODBC driver throws an exception or runs into a problem, they appear through WinSQL and users get the perception that WinSQL generated the error.

Follow the steps below to check the version and release date of any ODBC driver.

  1. Open Windows Control Panel
  2. Double click Administrative Tasks
  3. Open Data Source (ODBC)
  4. Select the Drivers tab
  5. This tab lists all drivers with their version and release dates. Refer to the image below.

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