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Document ID: 794
Subject: Deploying in Citrix or Terminal Server environment
Creation date: 7/29/09 3:49 PM
Last modified on: 12/11/18 4:05 PM


Often companies want to deploy a shared copy of WinSQL on a Citrix server rather than individual PCs. The following section describes how WinSQL stores the configuration information, which may affect how WinSQL is deployed.


Install WinSQL on the shared machine as if it is a normal machine with one exception. During installation you will be prompted for the following question:

Install this application for:
  • Anyone who uses this computer (all users)
  • Only for me (Your user name)

Select the first option for this question.


Configuration for every user is stored in a special folder called Data folder. Since every user has their own configuration folder, users do not share data with each other. This logic works nicely on a shared environment like Citrix or Terminal server.

Licensing (site license only)

The following tip applies if you have purchased a site license.

Every user in your company will use the same serial number if your company has purchased a site license. In this case, contact our sales department for instructions on how to apply a serial number on a machine that is shared by multiple users.

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