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Document ID: 8868
Subject: Troubleshooting Email Related Problems in Syncrify
Creation date: 1/4/22 4:21 AM
Last modified on: 1/4/22 5:04 AM

Troubleshooting Email Related Problems in Syncrify

Syncrify server needs to send emails on several events, such as:

  • When a synchronization job completes
  • Daily reports, which are sent to administrators as well as User Group managers
  • Security and/or administrative alerts sent to administrator

This knowledge base article will help you troubleshoot problems related to emails in Syncrify and is divided into two categories:

  1. Email has never worked
  2. Emails were working at some point but do not work anymore

A Few Important Points To Remember

Before troubleshooting email problems, keep the following point in mind:

  • Emails are never sent from Syncrify Client. They are always sent from Syncrify Server.
  • When a backup/synchronization job completes, Syncrify Client prepares the body of the email and sends a message via HTTP(S) to Syncrify Server.
  • Syncrify Server, then communicates to the configured SMTP server to deliver the message.
  • By default, emails are not sent when you run backups manually. To change this option, click Tools/Options in Syncrify Client.

Category 1 - Emails have never worked

Consider the following reasons if emails have never worked on your end:
  • Most common reason for this problem is an invalid configuration for SMTP server in Syncrify.
    • Log in to Syncrify Server's web interface as admin
    • Click Configuration
    • Ensure values for SMTP Server are correctly filled
  • Click the Test button at the bottom to confirm if emails are working.
  • Refer to Syncrify.log, which is located in $INSTALL_DIR\logs folder. Click here for details.
  • If you're using an SMTP Server hosted on Microsoft Exchange Online (Office 365), refer to this page for details.
  • Temporarily switch your SMTP server to a different value. One such server you could use debugging email problems is DevNull SMTP
  • Outbound TCP/IP ports are blocked. Many ISPs block outbound port 25 and preventing users from sending emails. In this case, you must use other ports, such as 587 or 465
  • When using STARTTLS or SSL/TLS, ensure the SSL certificate used on your email server is trusted. You will see SSL related errors in Syncrify.log if the certificate is not trusted.

Category 2 - Emails have stopped working. They were working in the past.

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot this category.
  • Are you running backup manually? If yes, ensure the option to send reports after manual backup is enabled under Tools/Options in Syncrify Client GUI.
  • Run a test backup and then immediately open SyncrifyClient.log or SyncrifyClientGUI.log. Click here for details on how to view log files. Refer to the end of the file to confirm an email message was sent to Syncrify Server. Note down the time this email was sent.
  • Refer to Syncrify.log on Syncrify Server and go down to the time when email was sent from the client. If you don't see any errors, email was sent successfully.
  • Refer to INSTALL_DIR\logs\OutboundEmails.log to confirm if email was sent. A log entry in this file confirm the SMTP server accepted the message.
  • Check the Junk folder on your email server.
  • Emails containing backup reports have the following property:
    • Sender's email address is the value you're using as Administrator's email in Syncrify Server.
    • Recipient's email address is usually the address of the user running backup.
    If the recipient of the email belongs to a different domain name, that is considered Email Relaying. Ensure your SMTP server is configured to accept relaying.

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