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2021 Tech Trends To Keep In Mind

As 2020 comes to a close, it is important to look back and analyze just how heavily all of corporate America relied on technology the past year. As the coronavirus continues to have businesses look toward remote work, other trends have followed that put software technology at the forefront of everyone's mind. Moving into the new year, it is important to analyze the various technological advances the world is making to ensure that remote work remains secure, efficient, and reliable for the future as we know it.

Here are a few technological trends that will continue to rise as we embark on the new year post-pandemic:

2021 Tech Trends

  • Anywhere Operations: Gartner has listed this as a key component on their Tech Trends of 2021 list. Anywhere Operations takes the working-from-home experience to the next level. This refers to the IT operation in which ALL work can be conducted from anywhere at any time to ensure full use of access regardless of time, location, and business operating hours. While many software options already appear to be implementing such processes, 2021 is looking to see a great rise in productivity if Anywhere Operations continues to succeed. This will allow both consumers and employees to have constant access to essential information to keep business moving and flowing at a steady rate.

  • Hybrid Cloud: Many businesses are already beginning to implement the hybrid cloud model. This refers to mixed computing, storage, and services environment made up of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud. Some examples of organizations utilizing this method include Amazon Web Services, GoogleCloud, Azure, etc. The goal of utilizing this method is to ensure privacy, security, and the ability to handle an exponential amount of data.

  • Cyber Security: With the rise of remote work continuing throughout the new year, now more than ever corporations are attempting to secure their organization's network as employees are working at a variety of locations. One important facet of remote work includes constant communication via email. Through this, it is important to keep the mail safe and communication private as individuals are transferring information through many different streams of technology. Whether it be mobile access or access from a home device, taking strong cybersecurity measures to prevent hacking from occurring through this communication stream is extremely important. One solution like Xeams has been known to limit the number of spam messages and ransomware threats that linger in inboxes across both corporate and personal mail servers.

  • Work-From-Home Technologies: As the coronavirus continues to wreak havoc on the business world, more and more corporations will continue to turn to remote work applications. With this process, more companies will be looking toward software that can help streamline the remote work experience. Many of these processes may include data backup and file management file management to ensure that employees are still able to access all important documents as if their home setup was no different from their usual work routine. This will allow employees to access and store documents in a secure way, reducing the threat of data loss and increasing productivity amongst all employees by creating an easily accessible work-from-home environment that would replicate what would ordinarily be done in-office.

  • Work From Home

    As we embark on the New Year, it is important to keep in mind all that 2020 has taught us about the remote-work experience and just how helpful certain tech trends can be in ensuring businesses continue to reach success even when unable to stay in the office. In 2021, all employees can anticipate a better year than the last, and more technological advances to help make these difficult times a bit easier.

    Created on: Dec 17, 2020
    Last updated on: Apr 9, 2024


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