New features in version 8.5

Many new features and updates to existing features have been added in Version 8.5. These changes are listed below

Scripting Wizard

In earlier versions, users had to open a .SQL file in WinSQL's query tab then run the script. Now there is an alternate mechanism to run large set of SQL queries.

  • Easily run millions of DML queries like INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
  • The wizard displays the completion status on the window
  • A log file gets saved in the Data Folder containing the scripts that failed to run
IMPORTANT: This wizard is not designed to run SELECT statements. If SELECT statements are run, the generated resultset will not be displayed on the screen.

Easily import Microsoft Excel workbooks to any table

Simply drag a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet from Windows Explorer to WinSQL's catalog tree to import it into any table in any database.

Dragging an MS Excel file in WinSQL's catalog tab invokes the Excel import wizard, which allows you to:
  • Import data from any MS Excel worksheet to any table in a relational database
  • Since Excel workbook can have multiple worksheets, the wizard allows you to select a sheet that contains your data.
  • Imported data can go in a new table or an existing table. In case of a new table, WinSQL will suggest a CREATE TABLE statement, which can be modified by the user.
Following images show a couple of screen shots in this wizard.

Open query results in Microsoft Excel

Easily open results from any query into Microsoft Excel.


  • Connect to any database
  • Run a SELECT statement or a stored procedure that returns a resultset. Display the results in grid
  • Once the query is complete, click the right mouse button on the grid and select Open in MS Excel
  • WinSQL will open the results in MS Excel.
IMPORTANT You must have Microsoft Excel installed on the machine. This works with any version of Excel greater than Excel 1997.

Parameterized dynamic executable

Creating executables from a query result is a power tool in WinSQL. Version 8.5 takes this to the next step by allowing parameterized queries to be embedded.

Consider a scenario where a business manager in your company needs to run a set of queries once in a while. Rather than installing WinSQL on their machine, you can run the queries on your machine, create an executable file from the result set and have the business manager run this executable to get the required data.

The following images display this feature with some screen shots.

Once an executable file has been created, anyone can double click it to run it. A parameter value dialog box is displayed prompting the user for it values.

Finally, fresh data is displayed in the window representing the resultset of the two queries we used in this example.


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