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Document ID: 5299
Subject: Troubleshooting restarting problems with Syncrify
Creation date: 5/22/19 8:41 AM
Last modified on: 6/9/22 11:07 AM

Troubleshooting Restart Issues

In order to patch Syncrify to a newer build, you must restart Syncrify from the web interface. Use the following tips to troubleshoot Syncrify if you're running into problems restarting Syncrify from the web interface.


  • AppLauncher.jar must exists in $INSTALL_DIR\patches folder.
Patching will NOT occur if AppLauncher.jar file is not found at runtime.

Troubleshooting Tips

Tip 1- Path
Ensure values in specified in $INSTALL\config\AppConfig.xml are correct. There are two sets of parameters that matter in this file.

Set 1

ntServiceCommand - This should refer to a script responsible for starting Syncrify. For example, on Windows this is set to net start Syncrify, which runs the service. On Linux, this could be something like: /etc/init.d/syncrify start

<parameter name="ntServiceCommand" type="1" value="net start Syncrify"></parameter>

Set 2

Parameters in this set matter if ntServiceCommand (above) is left blank.

There are two parameters in this set:

  • vmParam - Refers to additional VMParameters. You should not have to change this value.
  • jvmPath - Refers to the PATH where java is located.


<parameter name="vmParam" type="1" value="-Xmx1024m -DLoggingConfigFile=logconfig.xml"></parameter>
<parameter name="jvmPath" type="1" value="jre/bin/java"></parameter>
The value for jvmPath could be absolute path to java.exe, related path to $INSTALL_DIR or simply java, provided the file is found on $PATH.

Tip 2- Update JRE
Ensure you're using JRE 1.8. Visit for instructions to check your JRE version and how to download and applying the patch. Newer versions of Syncrify (and other products) require JRE 1.8 and you may run into problems when using an older JRE.

Try restarting Syncrify from the web interface after upgrading JRE. If that does not work, use Tip# 2 below.

Tip 3 - Manually Restarting
Try to patch manually using the following steps:
  • Ensure Syncrify is not running
  • Open a Command Prompt (DOS Windows) in elevated mode. Use SSH/Terminal window on Linux
  • Change directory to the installation folder ($INSTALL_DIR) using the following command:
    cd \Syncrify - Windows
    cd /opt/Syncrify - Linux/Unix/Mac
  • Type the following command
    jre\bin\java -cp patches/AppLauncher.jar com.synametrics.sradef.util.ApplicationStarter - Windows
    jre/bin/java -cp patches/AppLauncher.jar com.synametrics.sradef.util.ApplicationStarter - Linux/Unix/Mac
  • The above command should patch as well as restart Syncrify. If patching fails and you see errors, send that to our support department via email for further investigation.

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