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New Version of Syncrify Has Been Released

Syncrify is a private cloud backup solution. A private-cloud backup and synchronization tool that offer a secure and private way to backup files. Pay once and use it forever. No monthly, usage or bandwidth charges. We have recently released a major update to Syncrify. 

Some of these changes include:
  • Several HTTP headers have been added that follow industry best practices. They are:
    • Strict-Transport-Security
    • Content-Security-Policy
    • X-frame-options
    • X-XSS-Protection
    • X-Content-Type-Options
    • Referrer-Policy

  • These headers make Syncrify more secure against foreign attacks.
  • Ability to restrict browsers from accessing HTTP port and only allow backups.
  • Click here for details.
  • Bug Fix: The Send Email flag in the new GUI interface does not get initialized
  • Bug Fix: When toggling ignorance, occasionally a new node gets created in the GUI that reads "Processing, please wait..."
The most notable change is the new and improved Client Interface. Below we will walk you through, tab-by-tab, most of the features that have been upgraded. 

The Connection Parameters Tab 

First you will notice a set of tabs listed on the left side of the screen. The Connections Parameters Tab will be the first tab you will see when you log in. This tab will display your profile, login and server information. As well as your backup schedule. You will see the last time and the next time a backup will run.

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The Files/Folders to Backup Tab 

Most of the changes in the Syncrify Client will be seen on the Files/Folders to Backup tab.This is the second tab on the left side of the screen. 

Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 11.32.24 AM 

One thing you will notice on this screen is, a detailed description will be displayed on the right side of the screen for whichever file/folder you selected. 

If you open the profile of any given folder, a list will be given of all of the sub folders/files in the item selected. The description will also change to display more specific information. If you navigate down to file levels in the folder that has been selected, you will see the description will be specific to each file. Showing information pertaining to where the file is located, when it was modified, size, and when backups are scheduled. 

The ability to search for specific files/folders in the selected item is a new feature. If you have hundreds or thousands of files this search option will make locating a file much faster. To search, highlight the parent folder then begin typing the name of the file you wish to locate, the highlight will then move to select that file. 

We have changed the way files/folders are included and excluded. To do this, you will right click on that file/folder and click exclude in the menu that pops up. The file will be moved to a menu displaying all the excluded files. If you want to include the file/folder, you will click on the file/folder and hit the delete key and it will remove it from the excluded menu putting it back to the original folder it was excluded from. Or you can right click on the file again and hit the include file button to include the file.
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The Additional Options Tab 

We have also made some changes to the additional options screen. This is the third tab on the left side of the screen. 

On this tab, you will be able to configure the scheduling options between daily, interval, and disable.When selecting daily option, you can choose the specific day of the week and time then click save. By clicking on If you go back to the Connections Parameters page you will be able to see the change that has been made to the schedule.
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The more button has been removed and the options have been transferred to the advanced tab located at the top of the Additional Options Page. 

In the advanced tab you will notice the send email to port box. In here you can specify an email address you would like the daily reports to be sent to. If it is left blank it will refer to what the email log in is set to. Please note on the server side if you enable aliases, and specify an alias that will overwrite anything that is put into the box. Regardless if the option is turned on or off.

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We have also added an undo feature. If you have accidentally made changes to any of these options or if you have deleted any files you did not mean to you can hit the escape key. You will see any changes that have been made will revert to what the profile looked like when it was first in use. We have also removed the restore button from the Files/Folders to backup tab. If you wish to restore, right click on the item you wish to restore. Choose the restore option choose the selected profile option, or entire profile option depending on which you prefer. You will also notice a change to the backup button. 

We added drop down menu that makes synchronization between the client and server much more simple. If you click on client to server the button will state backup. If you choose Two-Way-Sync the button will state synchronize. If you choose server to client it sates restore. 

If you would like additional information about how to navigate the new interface please contact our support team via email or phone 609-750-0007 option 2.

Created on: Jul 28, 2017
Last updated on: Jul 24, 2024


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