Command line scripting

Scripting allows users to write special functions in a plain text files and pass the name of this file as a command line argument to WinSQL. WinSQL runs these functions in a sequential order.

The following rules apply when using a script file.
  • The file extension of a script file must be one of the two values:
    • .wxf- Example: MyScriptFile.wxf
    • .winsqlscript- Example: MyScriptFile.winsqlscript
  • Lines starting with two dashes are considered comments and are ignored at runtime
  • Empty lines are ignored
  • Function names are case-sensitive and must include open and close parenthesis even if parameters are not required. 
  • Parameters must be enclosed by a double quote character
To run the simply pass the file name containing a script as a command line argument to WinSQL, for example:

winsql MyScriptFile.wxf

Function reference

The following is a list of available functions you can write in the script. Every function starts with wnsFunc_.

Function name: wnsFunc_AutoLogin
Description: Establishes a connection to a database. This should be the first function in your script
Parameters: This function takes 3 parameters in the following order.
  1. DSN name - This is either a DSN name or connection string.
  2. User ID - Login ID for the user. Set this value to a -1 if the first parameter is a connection string,
  3. Password - Set this value to -1 if the first parameter is a connection string.
Function name: wnsFunc_AutoTerminate
Description: Terminates WinSQL's process. This should be the last function in your script. Any script appearing after this function is ignored. If you skip this function, WinSQL will run the script and will display an empty window at the end.
Parameters: There are no parameters for this function
Function name: wnsFunc_DataDiff
Description: Runs the Data-Diff wizard for the given template file. You must use the Data-Diff Wizard in WinSQL and create a template before using this function.
Parameters: Takes the name of the Data-Diff template file name as the parameter
Function name: wnsFunc_ExportData
Description: Runs an export template. You must create an export template using WinSQL's GUI.
Parameters: Expects 1 parameter, which is the name of a template file.
Function name: wnsFunc_ImportText
Description: Runs a text import template. You must create an import template using WInSQL's GUI.
Parameters: Expects 1 parameter, which is the name of a template file.
Function name: wnsFunc_HtmlExport
Description: Exports to HTML file(s) based on a template. You must create an HTML export template using WinSQL's GUI
Parameters: Expects 1 parameter, which is the name of a template file.
Function name: wnsFunc_RunScript
Description: Runs any SQL script saved in a file. Multiple queries can be separated by a query separator.
Parameters: Takes 2 parameters in the following order.
  1. SQL file name - Name of a file containing SQL queries
  2. Output file name - This file will contain results from a SELECT queries and/or record affected count for DML and DDL queries.
Function name: wnsFunc_SchemaDiff
Description: Runs schema-diff wizard for the given template. You must create a Schema-Diff template using WinSQL's GUI.
Parameters: Expects 1 parameter, which is the name of a template file.
Function name: wnsFunc_SendStatusEmail
Description: Sends status email.
Parameters: This function is overloaded - meaning it can take either 2 parameters or 5 parameters.

2 Parameter Version

  1. Email option - This can either be 1, 2, or 3. If this value is 1, an email is only sent when the status of every previous task is success. When this value is 2, an email is only sent when any of the previous task generate an error. When this value is 3, email is sent regardless of the error status.
  2. Attachments - Name of the file to be attached. Multiple file names can be separated by three pipe characters (|||). You can use $FILE_ATTACHMENTS string as the name of a file if the file name should be determined from the previous script. For example, when you run an Export template to a text file, the name of the output file is read at run-time. Refer to the example below.
Note: This function gets the recipient and sender email address from the WinSQL global configuration, which can be set by clicking Edit/Options in WinSQL's GUI.

5 Parameter Version

  1. Email option - same as above
  2. Attachment - same as above
  3. Recipient - Email address of the recipient. Multiple addresses can be separated by a comma.
  4. Sender name - Name of the sender
  5. Sender email - Email address of the sender

Note: In either versions, the body of the email is generated by WinSQL and is based on the tasks that are run prior to calling this function.

Function name: wnsFunc_ExportDataBag
Description: Exports data stored in a Databag to a table
Parameters: This method takes 5 parameters in the following order.
  1. Databag File name
  2. Target DSN
  3. User ID for connection
  4. Password
  5. Target table name
Function name: wnsFunc_SwitchDatabase
Description: Switches the connection context to a different database. This function is only meaningful when your back-end database supports this concept. For example, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase support switching to a different database, but Oracle does not.
Parameters: Takes one parameter containing the desired database name.


Example 1

Runs SQL scripts saved in a file called BackupDB.sql.

-- Establish connection to a database. The DSN name is 'testData'
-- User id is scott and tiger is the password
wnsFunc_AutoLogin("testData", "scott", "tiger")

-- Switch the database to a different value

-- Following function will run the scripts in BackupDB.sql file
-- Output logs are saved to BackupDB.out file
wnsFunc_RunScript("C:\data\BackupDB.sql", "C:\data\BackupDB.out")

-- Send status email if the script fails or succeeds
wnsFunc_SendStatusEmail("3", "C:\data\BackupDB.out")

-- Finally terminate WinSQL
Assume the above script in saved in a file called TestScript.wxf. The following command will execute the script.

c:\Program Files\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL\winsql "c:\data\TestScript.wxf"

Example 2

The following script runs an export template that exports data from a table to a text file. The name of the generated text file is automatically read from the export template and is attached to the email. This is done by specifying $FILE_ATTACHMENTS as a file name in wnsFunc_SendStatusEmail function.

Another important information to see in this example is that you do not have to call the wnsFunc_AutoLogin function. This is because the connection parameters are specified in the export template file, which is 24Hour.wet in this case.

-- Execute export routine

-- Send status email
wnsFunc_SendStatusEmail("3", "$FILE_ATTACHMENTS")

-- Finally terminate WinSQL


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