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Document ID: 5212
Subject: Syncrify Profile File - Explained
Creation date: 5/9/18 12:21 PM
Last modified on: 12/13/18 12:07 PM

Syncrify Profile Explained

A profile defines a job in Syncrify. It contains what to backup and when to do it. This information is saved in an XML file that is stored in the Data Folder on the machine running Syncrify Client. This page explains the contents of this XML file, in case you need to modify the file manually.

The following image displays a sample profile file.

The name of this profile is ImportantDocs. As result, the actual file name will be ImportantDocs.syncrify. Following table describes each node in the XML file and its purpose.

Node Name Description
profileName Name of the profile. This must match with the file name and the value is case-sensitive.
serverUrl URL of the server. Note that a URL must have a protocol (either HTTP or HTTPS), host name and port.
userEmail Login ID, which is typically an email address.
password Encrypted version of the password. If you're modifying this field manually, type the password in clear. Syncrify Client will encrypt the value next time it is saved. This trick only works for passwords less than 16 characters long.
encryptionKey Value used for encryption. Do not modify this manually. Use Syncrify Client GUI to change this value.
sendEmail true|false. An email is sent at the end of backup if set to true.
compressFiles true|false. If true, compression is used during backup.
deleteFromServer true|false. If true, files will be deleted from the destination when source files are deleted.
versionsToKeep This should be either 0, indicating versioning is disabled, or 10000000 for versioning is enabled.
deleteFilesAfterBackup true|false. If true, files will be deleted from the client's end once backup is over. DO NOT change this to true unless you really want to remove files on the source machine.
direction 0|1|2. Signifies the direction of backup. 0 means Client-to-Server, 1 means Two-way-sync, 2 means Server-to-Client.
emailRecipients Email address where reports are sent. If blank, reports will be sent to the address specified for login ID.
timeZoneOffset Not used anymore. This must be 0.
timeZoneOffsetAtCreateTime Not used anymore. Leave this at 0.
backupType 1|2|3. 1 for Delta Copy, 2 for Simple Copy and 3 for Smart Copy.
emailFlag 0|1. If set to 1, email will only be sent if an error occurs.
ransomwareState 0,1,2,3. 0 means RWP is not initialized or was recently reset. 1 means active, 2 is for internal use, 3 means disabled. Do not modify this value to anything other than a 0 or 3.
ransomwareFileMeta Holds the last modified date, size and MD5 signature of the RWP bait file. Do NOT modify this field. Instead, leave this blank and change ransomware field to 0. Syncrify Client will populate this field on the next backup.
useClientCache true|false. If true, folder cache is used.
creator User name who created this profile.
schedulingType 1|2|3. Signifies the value for scheduler. 1 means Daily, 2 means Interval and 3 means disabled.
schedulerDays Bitmap containing the days for which a backup is scheduled. For example, if the backup is scheduled for Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, the binary value for this will be 0010101 or 21 in decimal. A 127, which translates into 1111111 into binary, means a backup is scheduled for every day.
schedulerMinutes When schedulingType is 1, this specifies the number of minutes since midnight. For example, if your goal is to run a backup at 8 PM, this should be 20 (hours) x 60 or 1200. When schedulingType is 2, this value specifies the interval in minutes.
useVss true|false. If true VSS will be enabled. Check this page for details.
lastRanAt Holds the value when backup was run the last time. You should not modify this value manually.
includedObjects Holds one or more includedObject nodes.
includedObject Contains the path of a top-level folder. This node has two parameters:
  • selectionFilter - Specifies a selection filter for the current top-level folder.
  • serverPath - Folder name that is used to store data on the server's end. This is typically set to the last folder name within the path for a top-level folder.
excludedObjects Holds one or more excludedObject nodes.
excludedObject Holds the path within a top-level folder that should be excluded from backup. This node contains one parameter:
  • serverPath - this must match with the serverPath attribute of corresponding includedObject node.
plugins Holds one or more plugin nodes.
plugin Holds information about Plugins. Every plugin is different and therefore, it is recommended not to add/modify these nodes manually.

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