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Document ID: 1454
Subject: Moving Syncrify server
Creation date: 8/17/10 10:54 AM
Last modified on: 11/12/18 12:30 PM

Moving the Syncrify Server

The following steps demonstrate how to move the Syncrify server from one machine to another. Syncrify keeps every file in one folder, making it very easy to move it to a different machine.

There are two type of moves:
  • Between machines with similar OS - for example, Linux to Linux or Windows to Windows
  • Between different OS - for example from Linux to Windows

Steps - Similar operating system

  • Install Syncrify on the new machine. Try to install Syncrify in the same folder where it is installed on the older machine
  • Stop Syncrify if it is running on the new machine.
  • Copy the following files from the older machine to the new one
    • config\umap.dat - this file contains passwords
    • config\AppConfig.xml - this file contains configuration parameters as well as licensing information
    • config\UserMappings.xml - this file contains users and their repository. If the repository path is different on the new machine, you will have to manually modify this file. Open this file in any text editor and change the paths.

      If you are using an RDBMS to store users, skip this step and adjust the repository path in the database.
  • Move the files from older user repository to the new one. User repository is the location that stores backed up files. 
  • Start Syncrify on the newer machine
  • Login as admin and confirm everything is running correctly.

Steps - Different operating system

Steps are similar to the first type with the exception of AppConfig.xml. DO NOT move the AppConfig.xml file when you switch between the operating system. Instead, manually set the parameters from the web interface to match the older installation.

Additionally, you may have to change the repository path location. For example:

Older path on Linux

Newer path on Windows

User comments

Posted by PCTec86 on 8/20/11 10:55 PM

I transfered PC's and followed the directions above, but now I can't log in under admin. What's strange is that I can log in with the client's credentials, but not admin. I've tried logging in with the previous working password, admin, and also leaving it blank but nothing works. Any ideas?

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