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Document ID: 798
Subject: Silent Install for WinSQL
Creation date: 7/29/09 3:53 PM
Last modified on: 11/23/16 3:22 PM

Silent Installation For WinSQL

The installer for WinSQL supports silent installation. To run the installer silently, type the following command from a console window or a batch script.

setup /s /v/qn

This command will silently install WinSQL in the default installation folder, which is C:\Program Files\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL .

Post Installation Steps

Once the product is installed, you need to register it with a serial number. When WinSQL starts, it looks for the serial number in a file called WinSQL.conf, which is a configuration file in plain text that uses Windows INI format. Since every user will have a different serial number (in case of a single user license), it is a lot easier to run WinSQL on each machine and register it.

A site license, on the other hand, requires one serial number for every machine. Therefore, to avoid repetitive tasks, you can write a script that copies the serial number to WinSQL.conf file. To copy the registration information, create a new text file with the following content, name the file WinSQL.conf and place in the folder described below

Contents of WinSQL.conf file:

OwnerName=Your User Name
CompName=Your Company Name

Replace the user name, company name and serial number with actual values.


WinSQL.conf is a plain text file that uses Windows INI file format to store most of the configuration parameters including registration information.

Location of WinSQL.conf file

The location of WinSQL.conf depends on the version of WinSQL you are using. Refer to the table below for a description.

Version 5.5 and above This file is located in the user's home directory. The exact path for this is typically in the following format.

C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\WinSQL - Windows XP
C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\WinSQL - Windows Vista.
IMPORTANT: Application Data is a hidden folder in Windows and you might have to change settings on your machine to display hidden folders.

Version 5.0 and below This file is located in the same folder where WinSQL.exe is installed.

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