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Document ID: 820
Subject: Troubleshooting problems executing scheduled tasks
Creation date: 7/29/09 4:56 PM
Last modified on: 12/11/18 3:18 PM


Scheduled tasks in WinSQL are tightly integrated with the Task Scheduler that comes with Windows Operating System. Therefore, it is important to understand some fundamental about running tasks on Windows.

With Scheduled Tasks, you can schedule any script, program, or document to run at a time that is most convenient for you. Scheduled Tasks starts every time that you start Windows XP and runs in the background, and it starts each task that you schedule at the time that you specify when you create the task.

When you schedule tasks in WinSQL it creates a file that holds a script defining what the task is supposed to do. If the name of your task in WinSQL is My Task, the name of the script file will be MyTask.wxf (spaces are removed). The file extension for this script is WXF and it is saved in the ScheduledScript folder, which can be in:

  • WinSQL's installation folder - version 6.5 and older
  • OR, WinSQL's Data folder - version 7.0 and above. Click here to read more about WinSQL Data Folder

When the time comes to run a task Windows tries to execute MyTask.wxf file. Therefore, it is important that the extension WXF is correctly associated with WinSQL - meaning when you double click a file with an extension WXF, WinSQL should start running.

Steps to troubleshoot

  1. Double the .wxf file manually and see if that executes the task. If it does not run that means the file extension is not properly registered with the OS. Ensure the extension WXF is associated with WinSQL. Click File/Manage File Extensions on WinSQL's main menu to fix extension. If you are using version 6.5 or older, use Windows explorer to associate file extension.
  2. Ensure your login ID has enough permissions to run a scheduled task.
  3. If you are using Integrated security to run tasks, ensure you use the correct login ID. This applies if you are using Microsoft SQL Server.
  4. If the OS spawns WinSQL but the task does not run, you can run WinSQL in debug mode to see if that logs any error messages. Open a Console Window and type the following command:

    c:\Program Files\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL -g MyTask.wxf

    You might have to specify the absolute path for the MyTask.wxf file as well.

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