Updating JRE (Java Runtime Environment)

Why update?

JRE 1.7 is no longer supported by Oracle. Additionally, Synametrics will not support products running JRE 1.7 starting July 01, 2022.
Many software packages published by Synametrics use Java™ . These packages require JRE (Java Runtime Environment) for execution. All of these packages use a local version of JRE. Using a local version is useful because it does not have to modify any configuration on the machine that could affect other programs requiring Java. Similarly, other programs do not affect packages from Synametrics.

Due to this local nature, upgrading JRE by downloading from Oracle's or third-party websites does not affect the JRE installed locally for Synametrics products. Although every product published by Synametrics is able to download new patches and upgrade themselves, they cannot upgrade the JRE without some manual work.

Applicable Packages

Instructions on this page are applicable to the following software packages:

Steps to upgrade

Step 1 - Identify the architecture
Before upgrading find out if you need 32bit or 64bit JRE. On 32bit machines the decision is obvious. However, on 64bit machines you may be using a 32bit JRE. Use the following method to check the architecture.

For Syncrify, SynaMan and SynaTail
  • Login to the web interface using admin account
  • Click About
  • Manually modify the URL in the address bar of your browser from:



    operation=debug (For Syncrify and SynTail)
    operation=sinfo (For SynaMan)
  • Check the value for sun.arch.data.model.

For Xeams, SMTP Gateway and Mail Junction
  • Login to the web interface using admin account
  • Click About under Tools menu
  • Check the value for sun.arch.data.model.
Step 2 - Download files
Use the following links to download appropriate JRE for your operating system.

  • 32-bit Linux (Use tar -zxf jre.tar.gz to extract the files.)
  • 64-bit Linux (Use tar -zxf jre.tar.gz to extract the files.)
  • 32-bit Windows (This version does NOT work on Windows XP and Windows 2003. You must use a newer version of Windows.)
  • 64-bit Windows (This version does NOT work on Windows XP and Windows 2003. You must use a newer version of Windows.)
Step 3 - Stop the service
Stop the running process from Control Panel on Windows or Terminal on Linux by typing /etc/init.d/syncrify stop - replace syncrify with appropriate name.
Step 4 - Replace Folder
Locate the existing jre folder. The exact location of the folder is:

  • $INSTALL_DIR\jre - Windows. For example: C:\Syncrify\jre or C:\Xeams\jre or C:\SynaMan\jre
  • /opt/$INSTALL_DIR/jre - Linux. For example: /opt/Syncrify/jre or /opt/Xeams/jre or /opt/SynaMan/jre

Rename the existing folder to something like jre.old, extract the jre folder from the downloaded file and replace it.
Step 5 - Restart Service
Restart the service.

Troubleshooting common problems

If the server does not start after replacing the folder, ensure the path is correct. For example, for Syncrify that exact path of the JRE folder should be:

C:\Syncrify\jre     - Correct

C:\Syncrify\jre\jre - Incorrect. This could happen during extraction.

To test if files are copied correctly, confirm the existence of C:\Syncrify\jre\bin\java.exe or /opt/Syncriy/jre/bin/java


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